The project GSManager (formerly ManuAdminMod) was discontinued on 01.01.2020 - this internet presence stays available, but the software is no longer maintained. Thanks for your support over the more than 10 past years!
The following list presents the most important features of GSManager. We divide these features into core features and features of plugins that we deliver by default.
Detailed permissions managment
Permissions are assigned to groups
Infinite groups can be created
Players can be assigned to any number of groups
Detailes logfiles
Comfortable features like name matching
Written in PHP
Easily extensible through plugins
Executeable on Linux and Windows
Contains a JSON-API for avanced usage
Processes logfiles of games with quake 3 engine
Processes Two-Way-RCON of games with Frostbite 3 Engine
[*}Supports SQLite and MySQL databases for saving informations