Mam Mod works ok But badwords and badname mod not work ??? may cause problems? tnks :nuke:
Problems with MAM
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this log
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: ==========================================
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: Manu-Admin-Mod v0.10.1 beta.gif" wcf_src=>.gif> is starting...
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: ==========================================
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: !! Please wait until the mod is completely initialised
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: Config loaded: config.cfg
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: Config loaded: maps.cfg
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: Config loaded: admins.cfg
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: Config loaded: groups.cfg
0:00 [22.10.09 19:05:59] Notice: Language files loaded: en
0:00 [22.10.09 20:05:59] Notice: All config files were parsed
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:00] Notice: RCON connection established (
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:00] Notice: Game detected: Call of Duty 2
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:00] !! Warning: Dvars can't be checked when game is CoD2, skipping check
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:00] !! Warning: Please manually check this Dvars: g_logsync >= 1; sv_log_damage = 1; logfile = 1
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:00] !! Warning: This msg does NOT mean that the Dvars are actually wrong, but they CAN be
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:01] Notice: Synced playerlist with 'status'
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:02] Notice: Updated Dvar g_gametype
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: Sets Dvar _manuadminmod to '0.10.1 beta.gif" wcf_src=>.gif>'
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: == Loading plugins and commands ==
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading antiteamkiller.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading badwords.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading banner.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading basiccommands.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading funmessages.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading logkickbans.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading modstuff.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: Heartbeat has been sent to serverlist at Couldn't resolve hostname
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading nameprotection.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading pingkicker.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:03] Notice: - Loading punkbuster.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:04] Notice: - Loading randommapcycle.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:04] Notice: Randommapcycle: Setting nextmap to mp_matmata (hq)
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: Set Dvar sv_maprotationcurrent to 'gametype hq map mp_matmata'
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading spreemessages.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading statistics.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading tcp_query.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] !! Warning: TCP-Query: Error: Syntax error in tcp_user.db on line 1
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] !! Warning: TCP-Query: Error: Syntax error in tcp_user.db on line 2
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading voting.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading warns.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading weaponrestrictions.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: - Loading welcomemessages.php
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:05] Notice: == Finished loading plugins and commands
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:06] Notice: !! Finished initialisation
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:06] Notice: === Start processing loglines... ===
0:00 [22.10.09 20:06:07] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2This Server is running Manu-Admin-Mod ^1v0.10.1 beta.gif" wcf_src=>.gif>
0:00 [22.10.09 20:08:09] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Next map is: ^7Matmata (Headquaters)banner and next map works, badnames , badwords and welcome msj not work
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