Hi, I noticed that MAM 0.11 has the option to enable voting to set the next map. I would like to include this feature in my version of MAM which is 0.10.
I can't make complete udate to 0.11 as my provider enabled version 0.10 to install from web interface. What changes are necessary for this to work? I suppose I need to replace voting.php with new one, something else?
Also, I wonder if there is the option to vote for the next gametype? The change should take places after the round finishes... If not, I would find it very useful as I think it s better not to interrupt the round in progress...
One more question. Is there a way to modify time each time I use command "temban <name> <time> <reason>" or it deafults to one predefined time as set in server.cfg ('sv_kickbantime set = 3600' )? Is that option "sv_kickbantime" the same as "maxtempbantime" in config.cfg ? Btw, pb is turned off for bans and kicks.