hello, I'm trying to figure out a problem I've been having.
I managed to install MAM, and use ftp tracing and everything seems to be working so far.
I have yet to do further testing because this problem was messing a little with our public server.
So the remainder of the testing right now I'm doing on a home server.
Because it's on a home server, ftp access has been turned off as I do not need it obviously.
So here's my problem. I went through all the settings in the cfg and I turned off the random rotation of maps and gametypes
But whenever I load up MAM it goes and changes the gametype on me.
For example, my current server.cfg only runs FFA (dm) on a chosen set of 5 maps.
I run MAM, and one of the first messages it gives me is what the next map/gametype will be, in this case DownPour-Domination.
So not only does it change the gametype to something it shouldn't, it also loads a map not in my server.cfg.
I know it has to be a setting in the MAM config, but I have a hard time trying to figure out what setting that might be.
What I thought would handle this are the following settings:
enabled = 0 (0 means off, so it should not be loading any of the below maps correct?)
maps = "mp_backlot,mp_bloc,mp_bog,mp_cargoship,mp_citystreets,mp_convoy,mp_countdown,mp_crash,mp_crash_snow,mp_crossfire,mp_farm,mp_overgrown,mp_pipeline,mp_showdown,mp_strike,mp_vacant,mp_shipment,mp_broadcast,mp_carentan,mp_creek,mp_killhouse"
gametypes = "war" (to be on the safe side I removed the other gametypes but still no change)
notlastmaps = 3
notlastgt = 1
Any thoughts on this?