Ich poste jetzt mal schnell beide configs, danach die Beschreibung....
Hier die "mp_aim_hugo.cfg":
Spoiler anzeigen
enabled = 1
weapons = "ak47,g36c,g3,m14,m16,m4,mp44,mp5,skorpion,uzi,ak74u,p90,saw,rpd,m60e4,m1014,winchester1200,m40a3,m21,dragunov,barrett,remington700,beretta,usp,colt45,deserteagle,deserteaglegold,flash,frag,smoke,$
warnstokick = 2
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "^6!!^5!!!!!!!!!! ^1KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^5!!!!!!!!!!^6!!"
enabled = 1
whisper = 0
master = "^1ATTENTION: <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 has joined the game! ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! {{br}}^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
admin = "^1<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
member = "^1<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
power_user = "^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
donator = "^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!!^3Thanks for your donation! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
donator_minus ="^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^3Thanks for your donation! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
donator_less ="^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^3Thanks for your donation! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
user = "^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
default = "^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
fucked = "^7<GROUP_NAME> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7, ^1IT'S ^2KNIFE ^3ONLY ^1ON THIS MAP ^3!!!!! ^6KNIFE ^5ONLY ^6!!!!!"
enabled = 1
time = 120
firstblood = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1drew first blood!"
end_kill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's massacre ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills)! He was torn apart by ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_teamkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's carnage ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills)! He has been eaten by TEAMMATE ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
3 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2the ^7hobby butcher^2! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
5 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is a ^7real slasher^2! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
7 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2has to be a ^7blade fury^2! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
10 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is a talented ^7Freddy Krueger ^2imitator! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
15 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is the real ^7Jack the Ripper^2! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
20 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is ^1godlike! ^2He's using hacks for sure! ^7:P ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
25 = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is the ^3real Potter^2!!! ^1(Woohoo, ^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row!)"
-5 = "^2<PLAYER_NAME> ^3is getting ^7choped hard^3... (^2<DEATHS>^1 deaths without a ^2kill^1)"
-7 = "^2<PLAYER_NAME> ^3has been put into the ^7meat ^7grinder^3!... (^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths w/o ^2kill^1)"
-10 = "^2<PLAYER_NAME> ^3looks like he has frequented a ^7hardcore emo-party^3! ^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths without a ^2kill^1..."
Und jetzt die default.cfg
Spoiler anzeigen
enabled = 0
enabled = 1
whisper = 0
master = "^1ATTENTION: <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 has joined the game!"
admin = "^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 has joined the game!"
member = "^2Welcome our ^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 on the server!"
power_user = "^2<GROUP_NAME> ^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^7 has joined the game! Enjoy your stay!"
donator = "^2Welcome ^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2! ^3Thanks for your donation!"
donator_minus ="^2Welcome ^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2! ^3Thanks for your donation!"
donator_less ="^2Welcome ^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2! ^3Thanks for your donation!"
user = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2"
default = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^7. Enjoy your stay and be nice! hf & gl !"
fucked = "^2Welcome ^1<GROUP_NAME> ^3<PLAYER_NAME> . ^6Haha l0w-b0b faggot!"
enabled = 1
time = 30
firstblood = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1drew first blood!"
multikill = "^7!! ^1Multikill ^7> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 < ^1Multikill^7 !!"
monsterkill = "^7!!!! ^1MONSTERKILL ^7>>> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 <<< ^1MONSTER KILL ^7!!!!"
end_kill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_teamkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by TEAMMATE ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_selfkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He killed ^3himself^1, what a pity!"
5 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on a ^3killing spree! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on a ^3rampage! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
15 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3dominating! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
20 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3unstoppable! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
25 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3godlike!! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
30 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3wicked sick!!! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
35 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3real Potter!!! ^1(Woohoo, ^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row!)"
-5 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1seems to have a bad day ... (^2<DEATHS>^1 deaths without a ^2kill^1)"
-10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on the best way to get ^3victim^1 of the day... (^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths w/o ^2kill^1)"
-15 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1really gets his ^3ass kicked!^1 Oh well, ^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths without a ^2kill^1..."
So, was ich nun festgestellt habe:
Auf mp_aim_hugo kommen wunderschön die in der mp_aim_hugo.cfg definierten Spreemessages.
Auf anderen Maps wo nun die default.cfg bzw. einfach die config.cfg verwendet werden sollte geschieht aber folgendes:
Ich habe in der mp_aim_hugo.cfg eine Spreemessage für 3 Kills in folge definiert.
In der default.cfg sowie in der config.cfg gibt es für 3 Kills in Folge KEINE Spreemessage.
Nun wird auf anderen Maps aber bei 3 Kills immernoch die 3 Kills Spreemessage aus der mp_aim_hugo.cfg verwendet!
Bei den anderen Spreemessages passt alles, was wohl daran liegt, dass wenn in beiden .cfg's z.b. die 5 Kills Spreemessage definiert ist, die aus der default.cfg bzw. aus der config.cfg priorisiert wird. Kommt eine bestimmte Message allerdings NUR in deiner map-spezifischen .cfg vor, so kann diese nicht "überschrieben" werden und sie erscheint auch auf anderen maps wo sie nichts verloren hat.
Das selbe geschieht auch anderst herum. Beschreibung:
In der mp_aim_hugo.cfg sind keine MULTI-KILL-Spreemessages definiert.
In der default.cfg und der config.cfg sind diese aber definiert.
Nun kommt auf der map mp_aim_hugo (wo man nur messern kann), wenn man mit einem Airstrike z.b. einen Multi-Kill macht TROTZDEM die Multi-Kill Spreemessage, obwohl in der mp_aim_hugo.cfg keine definiert ist.
Ich denke das ist wohl ein Bug