readconfig off
Aus config/loadable/off.cfg:
Zitat; This is an example config file that can be loaded by typing "!readconfig off"
; It will deactivate all actions done my ManuAdminMod but commands like !kick,
; !map, !restart should work anyway
; To reactivate the normal mod just type !readconfig to load the default config.cfgAus config/loadable/readme.txt:
ZitatThe config files in this directory can be easily loaded by typing !readconfig [NAME]
To load back the default config just type !readconfigExample:
You want to have a possibility to deactivate all weapon restrictions,
then just create a file in this directory, e.g. "allweapons.cfg".There you have to put in this:
enabled = 0If you now type "!readconfig allweapons" the weapon restrictions are disabled
until you type "!readconfig". This reloads the default config (config.cfg) -
vielleicht könnte man das noch im Wiki (Standard-Commands) ergänzen.
ZitatSyntax: readconfig [FILE]
Erklärung: Liest die Konfigurationsdatei FILE neu ein, wenn FILE nicht gesetzt ist, werden die Standarddateien neu eingelesen.So in der Art.
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