I want to disallow ppl with web links for names or ppl with no nick (ID_02435432). obviously the full names are different for everyone except for the "www" or "ID_" part.
Is there a way i can ban a part of a name like www or ID_ ?
I want to disallow ppl with web links for names or ppl with no nick (ID_02435432). obviously the full names are different for everyone except for the "www" or "ID_" part.
Is there a way i can ban a part of a name like www or ID_ ?
In the folder config\plugins you have a file called BADNAMES.LST
Inside this file you can write forbidden words or parts.
Also check in your CONFIG.CFG of manu this is enabled.
enabled = 1
badnamekick = 1
badnamekickmode = "kick"
Thank you Ancestral,
I know this and i use it but I'm asking if there is a way to recognize a part of a name and not just the full name.