What about antiteamkill configuration parameters?
I did not find in the documentation.
"antiteamkill": {
"enabled": true,
"min": -3,
"start": 0,
"warn": 3,
"kick": 4,
"teamkill": 1,
"kill": 0.1,
"mode": "tempban",
"forgive": 1,
"forgivetime": 30,
"forgivepoints": 0.5
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Please help me understand how to set up team kill !p and !f
"aliases": {
"aimbot": "fun aimbot",
"b": "punish ban",
"ban": "punish ban",
"beer": "fun beer",
"bigadmin": "fun bigadmin",
"bye": "fun bye",
"cheat": "fun cheat",
"f": "forgive",
"god": "fun god",
"k": "punish kick",
"kick": "punish kick",
"kill": "punish kill",
"me": "fun me",
"n": "vote no",
"no": "vote no",
"owned": "fun owned",
"pizza": "fun pizza",
"p": "fun pwned",
"s": "stats show",
"tb": "punish tempban",
"tempban": "punish tempban",
"voteban": "vote start ban",
"votekick": "vote start kick",
"votemap": "vote start map",
"w": "punish warn",
"warn": "punish warn",
"y": "vote yes",
"yes": "vote yes"
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