Can you help me?!!! its great if you can!! lol
so i want a plugin (for mw2) that connect to my website database and only allow the players that register on my website able to connect to the game (or allow that players can play game after connect ) so if he or she is not register on website shown a warn to him after kick from the game(or before he connected to the game show warn such as this error that shown on high ping and don't allow players to connect to the game [ server for low ping and your ping is too high ,,, LOL ] ) its will be nice if be possible ???
AND FOR MORE REASON: if possible this plugin check the LSPXUID or GUID of players because its can not be changeable and it is fixed for any pc (Of course for non hackers ) so i write-in the LSPXUID or GUID in my website database....
is it possible??
sorry for my bad English.