Hi, I recently installed Manu Admin Mod on my MW2 server, all the "!" commands are working fine except MAM doesn't recognise me as "master" admin.
All the games_mp.log file are correct and I double checkd that my XUID is correct as well using XUID tool and the !me function on the server.
Any help would be appreciated!
Below is my admin.config file
Spoiler anzeigen
; This file will be overwritten by the mod automatically
; Do not make any comments inhere
; Use the generator to generate a valid file: http://manuadminmod.de/config/admin.php
group = "master"
names = "Dr.Kazier"
protected = 1
My config.cfg file:
Spoiler anzeigen
ip = ""
port = 28961
logfile = "D:\Games\Call of Duty 6 Server\main\games_mp.log"
rconpassword = "******************"
timezone = "australia/sydney"
prefix = "!"
language = "en"
antispam = 2
logrcon = 1
antistartupbug = "restart"
fixguidrelax = 1
pmprefix = "^0Bouncer"
responsefailcmds = 0
defaultkickreason = "Kicked by Admin"
defaultbanreason = "Banned by Admin FOR LIFE AHAHAHAHAHA"
usepb = 1
pbtempbanduration = 600000000000
announce = 1
maxtempbantime = 144000000000000000
enabled = 0
master = "^1ATTENTION: <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 has joined the game!"
admin = "^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 has joined the game!"
member = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2"
user = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2"
default = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>"
whisper = 0
enabled = 1
time = 20
enabled = 0
maps = ""
gametypes = "war,dm,sab,koth,sd,dom,gtnw,oneflag,ctf,dd,arena"
notlastmaps = 3
notlastgt = 1
enabled = 0
warnstokick = 1
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "Use of bad words"
enabled = 1
warnstokick = 2
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "Too many warns by admin"
enabled = 0
maxping = 250
checkinterval = 30
warnstokick = 1
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "Your ping is too high"
enabled = 0
badnamekick = 1
badnamekickmode = "kick"
badnamekickreason = "Your name contains an illegal part: <PART>"
adminnamekick = 1
adminnamekickmode = "kick"
adminnamekickreason = "Your name is an admins name"
maxnamechanges = 5
maxnamechangeskickmode = "tempban"
maxnamechangeskickreason = "Max. namechanges reached"
uppercasedisallow = 1
uppercasekickreason = "Please do not use only upper case letters in your nickname"
uppercasekickmode = "kick"
checkforupdates = 1
checkinterval = 6
announceinterval = 5
serverlist = 1
serverlistip = ""
pbsay = "pb_sv_say -1 <ARG>"
kickme = "pb_sv_kick <PLAYER:PBID> 0 <ARG:OPT:You kicked yourself>"
payback = "pb_sv_kick <LAST_KILLER:PBID> 0 ^1NEVER KILL AN ADMIN!"
enabled = 1
firstblood = 1
killsprees = 1
deathsprees = 1
spreeendsfrom = 10
multikills = 1
spreeends = 1
firstblood = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1drew first blood!"
multikill = "^7!! ^1Multikill ^7> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 < ^1Multikill^7 !!"
monsterkill = "^7!!!! ^1MONSTERKILL ^7>>> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 <<< ^1MONSTER KILL ^7!!!!"
end_kill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_teamkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by TEAMMATE ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_selfkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He killed ^3himself^1, what a pity!"
5 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on a ^3killing spree! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on a ^3rampage! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
15 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3dominating! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
20 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3unstoppable! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
25 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3godlike!! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
30 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3wicked sick!!! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
35 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3real Potter!!! ^1(Woohoo, ^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row!)"
-10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1seems to have a bad day ... (^2<DEATHS>^1 deaths without a ^2kill^1)"
-15 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on the best way to get ^3victim^1 of the day... (^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths w/o ^2kill^1)"
-20 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1really gets his ^3ass kicked!^1 Oh well, ^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths without a ^2kill^1..."
enabled = 1
type = 2
mapcount = 3
duration = 620
announce = 90
maps = "map mp_afghan,map mp_boneyard,map mp_brecourt,map mp_checkpoint,map mp_derail,map mp_estate,map mp_favela,map mp_highrise,map mp_nightshif,map mp_invasion,map mp_quarry,map mp_rundown,map mp_rust,map mp_subbase,map mp_terminal,map mp_underpassmap mp_stormmap,map mp_crashmap,map mp_overgrownmap,map mp_complex,map mp_compact,map mp_abandon,map mp_trailerpark,map mp_fuel2,map mp_vacantmap ,map mpmp_strike"
gametypes = "war,sd,dom,gtnw,Oneflag,ctf,dm,dd,areana,sab,koth"
notlastmaps = 5
notlastgt = 1
votestoskip = "50%"
enabled = 0
weapons = "gl,frag_grenade_short"
warnstokick = 2
mode = "tempban"
kickreason = "Used a restricted weapon: <WEAPON>"
statsstring = "^2Kills: <KILLS> ^1Deaths: <DEATHS> ^3K/D: <KPD> ^2time: <ONLINETIME> min ^3K/M: <KPM> ^2HS: <HEADSHOTS> ^7TKs: <TEAMKILLS>"
whisperstats = 1
savestats = "0"
enabled = 1
min = -3
start = 0
warn = 3
kick = 4
teamkill = 1
kill = 0.1
mode = "tempban"
kickreason = "Made too many teamkills"
forgive = 1
forgivetime = 30
forgivepoints = 0.5
k = "kick"
b = "ban"
rm = "quitmod"
mr = "quitmod"
setlevel = "setgroup"
admincheck = "checkadmin"
owned = "fun owned"
pwned = "fun owned"
killed = "fun killed"
bye = "fun bye"
thanks = "fun thanks"
pizza = "fun pizza"
beer = "fun beer"
coke = "fun coke"
whoiam = "fun whoiam"
groups = "setgroup listgroups dummy"
f = "forgive"
y = "yes"
n = "no"
j = "yes"
ja = "yes"
nein = "no"
votekick = "vote kick"
votemap = "vote map"
voteban = "vote ban"
banlist = "pbbanlist"
unban = "pbunban"
godmode = "fun godmode"
aimbot = "fun aimbot"
sex = "fun sex"
kamikaze = "fun kamikaze"
death = "fun death"
bigadmin = "fun bigadmin"
off = "readconfig off"
on = "readconfig"
enabled = 1
killed = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1was last killed by ^7<PLAYER_LASTKILLER> ^1with a ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONDEATH>"
bye = "^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 waves his hand to say ^1GOOD BYE^2. We surely meet later!"
thanks = "^1Thanks to Ramis and Whitestar, This server is working smoothly, thanks bro.
pizza = "^2Someone calls Mario and he brings ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 a hot pepperoni pizza!"
beer = "^2A nice sexy waitress brings ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 a nice pint of beer!"
coke = "^2Ah... A delicious glass of cold Coca Cola[tm] (*thinks ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 while he's drinking*)"
whoiam = "^2My name is ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2, I'm in the team ^7<PLAYER_TEAM>^2 with a ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONKILL>^2 and have ^7<PLAYER_KILLS>^2 Kills"
godmode = "^1GODMODE^2 is now enabled for player ^7<PLAYER_NAME>"
aimbot = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2turned on his ^1AIM-BOT!"
sex = "^2SEX is not the answer. SEX is the question and ^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is the answer!!"
kamikaze = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
death = "^2Hello ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2, this is ^7Death. ^2Please answer when you're ready."
bigadmin = "^1Ooooooh, ^3Big Admin is watching ^1YOU!"
enabled = 1
duration = 45
interval = 120
annouce = 5
minplayers = 3
maxvotesperplayer = 2
timelimit = 0
ignoremapchange = 0
allowkick = 1
allowban = 1
allowmap = 1
allownextmap = 1
allowsetnextmap = 1
allowgametype = 1
allowhardcore = 1
allowrestart = 0
allowedmaps = "map mp_afghan,map mp_boneyard,map mp_brecourt,map mp_checkpoint,map mp_derail,map mp_estate,map mp_favela,map mp_highrise,map mp_nightshif,map mp_invasion,map mp_quarry,map mp_rundown,map mp_rust,map mp_subbase,map mp_terminal,map mp_underpassmap mp_stormmap,map mp_crashmap,map mp_overgrownmap,map mp_complex,map mp_compact,map mp_abandon,map mp_trailerpark,map mp_fuel2,map mp_vacantmap ,map mpmp_strike"
allowedgametypes = "war,dm,sab,koth,sd,dom,gtnw,oneflag,ctf,dd,arena"
banduration = 10
enabled = 0
host = ""
port = 21
user = ""
password = ""
passive = 1
enabled = 0
ip = ""
port = 1337
logintimeout = 30
defaulaction = "say"
sayprefix = "^3TCP-Admin (<ADMIN>): ^7"
admingroups = "master,admin"
disallowedcommands = "vote,yes,no,stats,session"
maxconnections = 5
host = "localhost"
user = "anonymous"
password = ""
database = "mamstats"
prefix = "mam01_"