Only-Plugin (Version: 1.0.0)
Add only-rounds to the Server
ManuAdminMod Version 0.11.3 or newer
With this plugin you can define only rounds. That mean that the players can ONLY use the predefined weapons
[tab='Installation Manual']
Copy the "only_plugin.php" file to your plugins folder
[tab='Configuration Manual']
Add this to your config.cfg
enabled = 1
kickmessage = "^1ONLY <ALLOWED_WEAPON> ^1MOD is enabled"
warnmessage = "^1ONLY <ALLOWED_WEAPON> <WARNINGS>^1MOD is enabled"
warnstokick = 2
bannermessage = "^3Only Plugin: ^1Only ^2<ALLOWED_WEAPON> ^1are allowed!!!"
time = 20
//Custom Classes
snip = "m40a3,remington700"
- enabled -> enabled 1 = yes, 0 = no
- kickmessage -> the message a player will see if he was kicked
- warnmessage -> the same like kickmessage
- warnstokick -> max warns for before the player will be kicked (1 improves the mam speed/direct kick)
- bannermessage ->The message will be displayed all x seconds
- time -> time between 2 bannermessages in seconds
You can add some predefined tags for playername, allowed weapons etc to the messages
ZitatList of predefined tags
Custom classes:
To add a predefined rule create a new line and edit the name and the weapons:
- ClassnameWithout# = "Weapon1,weapon2,weapon3" //don't use spaces
You can extract the weapons from this site:
füge following commands to the groups.cfg
- only
- onlyrules
Default players shouldn't have the permissions for !only
Version 1: -