Anti Flood Plugin
Bans IPs that try to flood the server
ManuAdminMod Version 0.10 beta or newer
Linux based OS
Anti Flood v3.2 searches the console_mp.log for "Bad rcon from <ip>"
After x attempts (adjustable) from the same IP Anti Flood v3.2 will ban this IP via IPtables
you can unban IPs with !cleariptables or they will unbanned every Wednesday and Sunday at 0 clock
Installation Manual:
- Download the zip file
- Unzip the file to /plugins
- configure the plugin
Configuration Manual:
Insert into the config.cfg:
enabled = 1
maxbadrcon = 5
logfile = "./../../main/console_mp.log"
whitelist = "'', 'localhost'"
os = "linux"
tailpfad = "C:\\Programme\\Windows Resource Kits\\Tools\\tail.exe")
line 2: Activate the plugin
line 3: max "Bad rcons"
line 4: path to console_mp.log
line 5: Ips which are ignored
line 6: Nothing change!
line 7: Tail Path for Windows (not available in this version)
-First version
Preparation for a Windows version
-Fixing bugs