Hai guys!
Wiki is down, so I cant check it on the website, how to install TCP Admin console. Can someone give me a guide how to install, and set up TCP Console accounts and all these stuff? Thanks in advance!
Hai guys!
Wiki is down, so I cant check it on the website, how to install TCP Admin console. Can someone give me a guide how to install, and set up TCP Console accounts and all these stuff? Thanks in advance!
How to install the client on the computer should be clear so far. :razz:
To get TCP Console working you have to change some things in the configuration file of Manu Admin ( manu/config/config.cfg ).
Scroll down till you are close to end. There you should find [tcp_query]. Here an example:
enabled = 1 // 1 enables the TCP login; 0 disables it
ip = "x.x.x.x" //the IP you want to connect via TCP; must be same than your gameserver ip
port = 28962 //the port you want to connect via TCP; dont choose same port than your gameserver
logintimeout = 30 //the time you have to login with a valid username and password
defaulaction = "say" //what it does by default if you enter something in the console; im not sure about this...
sayprefix = "^1<ADMIN>: ^7" //the prefix which appears if you chat via this TCP console; Example: "Console: <pa3ck>: hello people"
admingroups = "master,admin,mod,user" //groups which are allowed in TCP Console
disallowedcommands = "yes,no,stats,session" //commands you can not use with TCP Console
maxconnections = 5 //i think this is self-explaining ;-)
After you set this you have to generate a tcp_user.db file, which contains usernames and passwords for TCP Console: CLICK ME
If you are done with this, save the tcp_user.db file under "manu/config/plugins" and restart Manu Admin.
Then it should work. :smile:
I hope i could help a bit!
Friendly Regards,