I installed a manu admin on a server call of duty modern warfare 2 and I can not create my admins of admin.cfg configuration for that link does not work
Can you help me with the configuration? Call of Duty server installed on linux ubuntu
problems setting admins on ManuAdminMod 0.11.5 Beta
When you join your server execute !me.
Then open your mod.log and copy your GUID from there to create a new section in your admins.cfg-file.I give you an example:
Alles anzeigen; This file will be overwritten by the mod automatically ; Do not make any comments inhere ; Use the generator to generate a valid file: http://manuadminmod.de/config/admin.php [3c4d1d24c4a6b2e60cc9040de9300109] group = "master" names = "basta,b4st4" protected = 1
Just replace the 3c4..109 with your GUID.
"protected" means, that if other player will (ab)use one of your nicks, they will be kicked. If you don't want that set it to 0.Regards
"protected" means, that if other player will (ab)use one of your nicks, they will be kicked. If you don't want that set it to 0.
Protected means that the Player couldn't be kicked/banned by other admins or the adminmod itself.
The feature you mentioned is implemented in the nameprotection.php plugin and controlled in the config.cfg file:
enabled =1
adminnamekick = 1
adminnamekickmode = "ban"
adminnamekickreason = "Your name is an admins name" -
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