Hi Friends ,
someone can explain me how use GeoIp Script? and Download?
how to make geoip
$geoip = new Geoip_class();class Geoip_class {
private $mod;
private $logging;
private $geoip_database;
private $database = false;
private $dir;function __construct() {
$this->mod = $GLOBALS['mod'];
$this->logging = $GLOBALS['logging'];$this->dir = $this->mod->getConfigDir() . "/plugins/geoip/";
}private function prepare() {
$check = false;
if(file_exists($this->dir . "GeoIP.dat")) {
include_once($this->dir . "geoip.inc");
$this->geoip_database = geoip_open($this->dir . "GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
$this->database = "Country";
$this->logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "GEOIP: GEOIPCountry Database succesfully reloaded");
if(file_exists($this->dir . "GeoLiteCity.dat")) {
require_once($this->dir . "geoipcity.inc");
$this->geoip_database = geoip_open($this->dir ."GeoLiteCity.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
$this->database = "City";
$this->logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "GEOIP: GEOIPCity Database succesfully reloaded");
}if($this->database == false) {
$this->logging->write(MOD_WARNING, "GEOIP: Can't find Database Please Download it!");
return false;
}public function getCountryCode($ip) {
if($this->database == "Country") {
return geoip_country_code_by_addr($this->geoip_database, $ip);
}if($this->database == "City") {
$array = geoip_record_by_addr($this->geoip_database, $ip);
return $array->country_code;
}public function getCountryName($ip) {
if($this->database == "Country") {
return geoip_country_name_by_addr($this->geoip_database , $ip);
}if($this->database == "City") {
$array = geoip_record_by_addr($this->geoip_database, $ip);
return $array->country_name;
public function getCity($ip) {
if($this->database != "City") return;
$array = geoip_record_by_addr($this->geoip_database, $ip);
return $array->city;
}public function getRegionName($ip) {
if($this->database != "City") return;
$array = geoip_record_by_addr($this->geoip_database, $ip);
return $GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$array->country_code][$array->region];
}public function getContinent($ip) {
if($this->database != "City") return;
$array = geoip_record_by_addr($this->geoip_database, $ip);
return $array->continent_code;
}$mod->setDefaultCV("geoip", "enabled", 1);
$mod->setDefaultCV("geoip", "message", "^1My Name is: ^2<PLAYERNAME>^1.And I am from ^2<CONTINENT> ^1-> ^2<COUNTRY>");
$mod->setDefaultCV("geoip", "adminmessage", "Name <PLAYERNAME> - From ||<CONTINENT> ||<COUNTRY> ||<REGION> ||<CITY>");
$mod->setDefaultCV("geoip_welcomemessages", "enabled", 0);
$mod->setDefaultCV("geoip_welcomemessages", "whisper", 0);$mod->registerCommand("geo", false , "command_geo" );
$mod->registerCommand("geoip", '~^geoip \S.*$~i' , "command_geoip" );
$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "geoip_welcomemessage");function command_geo($guid) {
global $mod;
global $players;
global $geoip;if ($mod->getCV("geoip", "enabled") == 0) return false;
$status = $mod->rconPlayerList();
foreach ($status as $line) {
if ($line["pid"] == $players[$guid]->getPid()$line["guid"] == $players[$guid]) {
$ip = $line["ip"];
}$search = array(
);$replace = array(
);str_replace($search , $replace , $mod->GetCV("geoip", "message"));
$mod->RconSay(str_replace($search , $replace , $mod->GetCV("geoip", "message")));
}function command_geoip($guid, $parameter) {
global $mod;
global $players;
global $geoip;if (!$mod->getCV("geoip", "enabled")) return false;
$parameter = implode(" ", $parameter);
$player_guid = $mod->findPlayerGuid($parameter);
if (!$player_guid) {
$players[$guid]->say($mod->getLngString("playerNotFound", array("<SEARCH>"), array($parameter)));
return false;
}$status = $mod->rconPlayerList();
foreach ($status as $line) {
if ($line["pid"] == $players[$player_guid]->getPid()$line["guid"] == $players[$player_guid]->getGuid()) {
$ip = $line["ip"];
}$search = array(
);$replace = array(
);$players[$guid]->say(str_replace($search , $replace , $mod->GetCV("geoip", "adminmessage")));
}//Hauptfunktion die aufgerufen wird, wenn ein Spieler joint; Argument: GUID des neuen Spielers
function geoip_welcomemessage($guid) {
global $players;
global $mod;
global $geoip;//Ist [welcomemessages]enabled = 1
if (!$mod->getCV("welcomemessages", "enabled")) return false;$status = $mod->rconPlayerList();
foreach ($status as $line) {
if ($line["pid"] == $players[$guid]->getPid()$line["guid"] == $players[$guid]) {
$ip = $line["ip"];
}//Gruppe des neuen Spielers abrufen
$group = $players[$guid]->getGroup();//Existiert eine Welcomemessage für diese Gruppe?
if ($mod->existsCV("welcomemessages", $group)) {//Führe die replaces in der Message durch
$search = array(
);$replace = array(
);//Sende die Message
if ($mod->getCV("welcomemessages", "whisper")) {
$players[$guid]->say(str_replace($search, $replace, $mod->getCV("welcomemessages", $group)));
else {
$mod->rconSay(str_replace($search, $replace, $mod->getCV("welcomemessages", $group)));
?> -
And how and where can i install it?