Hello, just a few plugins that i would like to see.
- A plugin that sends a command when a player joins the game.
- A GeoIP plugin
- An RconScreensay Command, so that we do not have to use Command line
Shikari :wink:
Hello, just a few plugins that i would like to see.
- A plugin that sends a command when a player joins the game.
- A GeoIP plugin
- An RconScreensay Command, so that we do not have to use Command line
Shikari :wink:
A plugin that sends a command when a player joins the game.
Its already added in manuadminmod see:- http://s30.postimg.org/qi96kajvl/Capture.png
- A GeoIP plugin
Here is the download link GEOIP 5 plugin:- http://archive.manuadminmod.de/index.php?page=Attachment&attachmentID=60&h=d52b9560e75168a836a12110345b236b256f4ffc
But there is no good step by step instruction..I have requsted instruction in a thread in this webpage...so sad no reply but I hope some one will and I can use the plugin also :smile:
An RconScreensay Command, so that we do not have to use Command line
With manuadminmod you can use many cmd in a very short cmd...just type !cmdlist and you can see many cmd that you need
But there is no good step by step instruction..I have requsted instruction in a thread in this webpage...so sad no reply but I hope some one will and I can use the plugin also
GeoIP Plugin has never offically been released by Mirko and was leaked.
It will not be supported until he decides to release a new version.