This plugin Vote&AdminSystem (for MW2) was written for ManuAdminMod long been one person for the convenience of voting and server administration Cod 6, the script passed plugin commands to kick, tempban and ban a plug-in to apply them in action, but now I can not and do not want to use manuadminmod when it there Game System Manager, so here is whether this plug-in can be rewritten to GSM?
That plugin code:
Code plugin vas
PHP: vas.php
Interaction with Vote&AdminSystem for MW2
Used to kick, ban and tempban from VAS menu
created by Dimnik_u11
global $mod;
if (!$mod->getCV("ftp", "enabled")) {
$vasparser = new parser($mod->getCV("main", "logfile"), $success);
else {
$vasparser = new parser_ftp($mod->getCV("main", "logfile"), $success, $mod->getCV("ftp", "host"), $mod->getCV("ftp", "user"), $mod->getCV("ftp", "password"), $mod->getCV("ftp", "port"), (bool)(int)$mod->getCV("ftp", "passive"));
if (!$success) {
$logging->write(MOD_ERROR, "Couldn't open server's logfile: '".$mod->getCV("main", "logfile")."'");
$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "--- VAS plugin: Start processing loglines... ---");
$mod->setDefaultCV("vas", "banlistfile", $mod->getConfigDir() . "/plugins/banlist.txt");
$mod->setDefaultCV("vas", "enableban", 0);
$mod->setDefaultCV("vas", "logging", 0);
$banlistfile = $mod->getCV("vas", "banlistfile");
$srvlogfile = $mod->getCV("main", "logfile");
$logenable = $mod->getCV("vas", "logging");
$mod->registerEvent("everyTime", "vas_check");
$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "ban_check");
function vas_check() {
global $logging;
$vas_command = getLine();
if ($vas_command === false){
$action = $vas_command["action"];
$parts = $vas_command["parts"];
function getLine() {
global $logging;
global $vasparser;
global $logenable;
$newlines = $vasparser->getNewLines();
foreach ($newlines as $line) {
//$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "VAS: New line. $line");
$pattern_abs = '|^\s*(\d+) |';
$pattern_rel = '|^\s*(\d+):(\d{2}) |';
if (preg_match($pattern_rel, $line, $subpatterns)) {
$timestamp = 60 * $subpatterns[1] + $subpatterns[2];
elseif (preg_match($pattern_abs, $line, $subpatterns)) {
$timestamp = $subpatterns[1];
else {
return false;
$line = trim(str_replace($subpatterns[0], "", $line));
if (strpos($line, "VAS") === 0) {
$line = trim(str_replace("VAS;", "", $line));
if($logenable) $logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "VAS: $line");
if (strpos($line, "execute") === 0) {
$line = trim(str_replace("execute;", "", $line));
//$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "VAS: execute in line. $line");
$vas_action = vas_getAction($line);
$vas_parts = vas_ParseParts($line);
return array(
"action" => $vas_action,
"parts" => $vas_parts,
return false;
function vas_ParseParts($line) {
$parts = explode(";", $line);
return $parts;
function vas_getAction($line) {
$vas_actions = array(
"kick" => "kick;",
"ban" => "ban;",
"tempban" => "tempban;",
"warning" => "warning;"
foreach ($vas_actions as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($line, $value) === 0) {
return $key;
return "unknown";
function vas_execute($action,$parts) {
//global $players;
global $mod;
global $logging;
global $banlistfile;
$rcon = & $GLOBALS['rcon'];
//list($except_guid, $except_pid, $except_name, $except_reason, $except_by) = $parts;
switch ($action) {
case "kick":
//"VAS - guid ; name ; reason ; kickby
list($except_guid, $except_pid, $except_name, $except_reason, $except_by, $adminname) = $parts;
//list($kick_guid, $kick_pid, $kick_name, $kick_reason, $kickby) = $parts;
$toclient = "kicked for reason: " . $except_reason . " (" . $except_by . ")";
$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "VAS: command kick - player '$except_name', PID: $except_pid, GUID: $except_guid, reason: $toclient");
$rcon->rcon("clientkick " . $except_pid . " " . $toclient );
$mod->triggerEvent("playerKicked", array($except_guid, $except_reason));
case "tempban":
//"VAS - guid ; name ; reason ; by
list($except_guid, $except_pid, $except_name, $except_reason, $except_by, $adminname) = $parts;
//list($tban_guid, $tban_pid, $tban_name, $tban_reason, $tbanby) = $parts;
$toclient = "tempbanned for reason: " . $except_reason . " (" . $except_by . ")";
$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "VAS: command tempban - player '$except_name', PID: $except_pid, GUID: $except_guid, reason: $toclient");
$rcon->rcon("tempBanClient " . $except_pid . " " . $toclient);
$mod->triggerEvent("playerTempBanned", array($except_guid, $except_reason));
case "ban":
list($except_guid, $except_pid, $except_name, $except_reason, $except_by, $adminname) = $parts;
$toclient = "banned for reason: " . $except_reason . " (" . $except_by . ")";
$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "VAS: command ban - player '$except_name', PID: $except_pid, GUID: $except_guid, reason: $toclient");
$rcon->rcon("tempBanClient " . $except_pid . " " . $toclient);
$date = date("[d.m.y H:i:s]");
$str = "$date Player \"$except_name\" ($except_guid) got BANNED for reason: $except_reason ($except_by)\n";
$banlistfile_filehandle = fopen($banlistfile, "a");
fwrite($banlistfile_filehandle, $str);
$mod->triggerEvent("playerBanned", array($except_guid, $except_reason));
case "warning":
function ban_check($guid) {
global $players;
global $mod;
global $logging;
$rcon = & $GLOBALS['rcon'];
global $banlistfile;
if (!$mod->getCV("vas", "enableban")) {
return false;
//$ret = false;
if (($cont = file_get_contents($banlistfile)) === FALSE) return false;
$findguidpos = strpos($cont, $guid);
if ($findguidpos !== false) {
$endstr = strpos($cont, chr(10), $findguidpos);
$resonestart = strpos($cont, "reason:", $findguidpos);
//$reasone = substr($cont, $resonestart, $endstr-$resonestart);
$reasone = str_replace("reason: ", "" ,substr($cont, $resonestart, $endstr-$resonestart));
$pid = $players[$guid]->getPID();
$rcon->rcon("tempBanClient " . $pid . " " . $reasone);
//$players[$guid]->kick("Autokick! BANED for $reasone");
$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "BANCHECK: Player '".$players[$guid]->getName()."' guid: ($guid) was TempBanned. Stored reasone: '$reasone'");
Alles anzeigen
Just add the script