folgendes Problem tritt auf, ich weiß nicht genau wann, aber ich schätze, dass es etwas mit dem Antimultiguid Plugin zu tun hat:
- Spieler wird wegen duplicated GUID gekickt
- Spielerliste wird neu synchronisiert, es wird allerdings angezeigt, dass 0 Spieler online sind
- Jetzt haben alle Spieler in der stats DB die gleiche IP die zu der Zeit auf dem Server waren, was fatal für unsere Statistik Seite ist, da so sehr viele Profile als Keychange angezeigt werden...
Spoiler anzeigen
=> Alle die gleiche IP auf einen Schlag.
Hier mal ein Auszug aus den Logfiles, zur Zeit als der Fehler aufgetreten ist (ab Zeile 5 geht es los):
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Info: Player 'Mehdax' changed name to 'tsquaredglas', PID: 9, GUID: 00000000c3bc40006d281655c1db039b
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Info: Player 'tsquaredglas's PID was changed from 9 to 33, GUID: 00000000c3bc40006d281655c1db039b
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Info: C4S - Anti multi GUID: 00000000c3bc40006d281655c1db039b, old pid: 9, new pid: 33
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Info: RCON command executed: 'clientkick 33 Duplicated GUID.'
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Info: Synced playerlist with 'status' (0 players online)
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Warning: QUIT by player 'tsquaredglas' who is actually not on the server: PID: 33, GUID: 00000000c3bc40006d281655c1db039b
[26.09.15 19:42:49] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Erenergun' who is actually not on the server: PID: 32, GUID: 00000000857dcec9a02f3efadab7f7f8
[26.09.15 19:42:50] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'ThiBensGamer' who is actually not on the server: PID: 31, GUID: 00000000a1385fa208c0e11b5b2cec83
[26.09.15 19:42:50] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'ThiBensGamer' who is actually not on the server: PID: 31, GUID: 00000000a1385fa208c0e11b5b2cec83
[26.09.15 19:42:50] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Mihanik' who is actually not on the server: PID: 24, GUID: 0000000052d2115a28402752f033beff
[26.09.15 19:42:50] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Mihanik' who is actually not on the server: PID: 24, GUID: 0000000052d2115a28402752f033beff
[26.09.15 19:42:50] Warning: DEATH by player 'Mihanik' who is actually not on the server: PID: 24, GUID: 0000000052d2115a28402752f033beff
[26.09.15 19:42:50] Warning: QUIT by player 'Ahmed Muhammad' who is actually not on the server: PID: 8, GUID: 00000000d57dcb4cecb87744e97cfdda
[26.09.15 19:42:52] Info: Player "Death" (GUID: 51d323c2dce80a552c4a95d15a8cdeae, IP:, PID: 36) joined.
[26.09.15 19:42:52] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Thetakman' who is actually not on the server: PID: 29, GUID: dda318ef61eded3fe80873cc1e487078
[26.09.15 19:42:52] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Thetakman' who is actually not on the server: PID: 29, GUID: dda318ef61eded3fe80873cc1e487078
[26.09.15 19:42:52] Warning: DEATH by player 'Thetakman' who is actually not on the server: PID: 29, GUID: dda318ef61eded3fe80873cc1e487078
[26.09.15 19:42:52] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'ThiBensGamer' who is actually not on the server: PID: 31, GUID: 00000000a1385fa208c0e11b5b2cec83
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Kazuaki' who is actually not on the server: PID: 15, GUID: 0c2c073d6ed009c8c227564497f0e8ba
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player '[Nice]Asian' who is actually not on the server: PID: 35, GUID: 00000000b70e4d85baca6bfcab0b61fc
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Skyward' who is actually not on the server: PID: 2, GUID: 89daad9fb6614d444b32eb6ec584f6e2
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player '[Nice]Asian' who is actually not on the server: PID: 35, GUID: 00000000b70e4d85baca6bfcab0b61fc
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'hoppy' who is actually not on the server: PID: 1, GUID: 90985f3544d3e5e9b1195195ecdd1173
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'hoppy' who is actually not on the server: PID: 1, GUID: 90985f3544d3e5e9b1195195ecdd1173
[26.09.15 19:42:53] Warning: DEATH by player 'hoppy' who is actually not on the server: PID: 1, GUID: 90985f3544d3e5e9b1195195ecdd1173
[26.09.15 19:42:54] Warning: DEATH by player 'Skyward' who is actually not on the server: PID: 2, GUID: 89daad9fb6614d444b32eb6ec584f6e2
[26.09.15 19:42:54] Info: Automatic Message was sent: ^4A kick isn't a reason for a discussion, ^3or you risk another kick!
[26.09.15 19:42:55] Warning: DEATH by player 'CID_17' who is actually not on the server: PID: 17, GUID: 000000001e1f98da613ddcd6fe4e5135
[26.09.15 19:42:55] Warning: DEATH by player 'Mehdax' who is actually not on the server: PID: 9, GUID: 00000000c3bc40006d281655c1db039b
[26.09.15 19:42:56] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Kazuaki' who is actually not on the server: PID: 15, GUID: 0c2c073d6ed009c8c227564497f0e8ba
[26.09.15 19:42:56] Warning: DEATH by player 'Kazuaki' who is actually not on the server: PID: 15, GUID: 0c2c073d6ed009c8c227564497f0e8ba
[26.09.15 19:42:57] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Julik' who is actually not on the server: PID: 40, GUID: 37d89d3ad7b637a61a5b685d89f2733a
[26.09.15 19:42:57] Warning: DEATH by player 'Julik' who is actually not on the server: PID: 40, GUID: 37d89d3ad7b637a61a5b685d89f2733a
[26.09.15 19:42:58] Warning: DAMAGETAKEN by player 'Erenergun' who is actually not on the server: PID: 32, GUID: 00000000857dcec9a02f3efadab7f7f8
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