i will explain my all errors today... my first error is that when i typed !online it said Console : Pm: Admins online None . but me and my brother were admins on server , my second error is that when someone gets kicked it wont say Why he got kicked , it Console: Pm : player , but he gets kicked so he cant see the Pm he gets , so i will like to know how to make it say , Example i got kicked cause using MArty dom , and console say Console : Player Dr.Death got tempban for 1min REASON : marty dom. not in Pm , 3rd: when i edit welcome Msgs it wont let me edit yeah everything is correct but when i start MaM.bat it gives random error line ,
my Mam version is beta 3
Explaning all errors today :D
!online it said Console : Pm: Admins online None . but me and my brother were admins on server
add your admins groups there
someone gets kicked it wont say Why he got kicked , it Console: Pm : player , but he gets kicked so he cant see the Pm he gets , so i will like to know how to make it say ,
This is a bugwelcome Msgs it wont let me edit yeah everything is correct but when i start MaM.bat it gives random error line ,
my Mam version is beta 3
=> mod.logEDIT:
do you have this section in your config.json?
"kickban" : {
"defaultkickreason" : "Kicked by Admin",
"defaultbanreason" : "Banned by Admin",
"modpower" : 100,
"forcereason" : 0,
"usepb" : 1,
"pbtempbanduration" : 5,
"announce" : 0,
"maxtempbantime" : 1440,
"announcemessages" : 5
}, -
here Mod.Log
Spoiler anzeigen
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: ========================
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: PHP Function Stack:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 0# unknown=>?: called MAM\Daemon\error_handler(8, 'date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid', 'D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\core\mod.php', 279, configs/cod4//reasons.json, , Resource id #16, ^1You lag like a slide show, lager, Array)
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 1# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\core\mod.php=>279: called date_default_timezone_set('')
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 2# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon.php=>127: called readConfig()
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: ========================
[24-Jun-2014 10:19:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\core\mod.php on line 279
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: All config files were parsed
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Warning: ConfigVar [daemon]logrcon NOT set and can't use a default value
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Warning: ConfigVar [quake3]fastrcon NOT set and can't use a default value
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Warning: ConfigVar [connection]ip NOT set and can't use a default value
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Warning: ConfigVar [connection]port NOT set and can't use a default value
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Warning: Warning in engine\quake3\rcon.php:147 => fsockopen(): unable to connect to udp://:0 (Failed to parse address "")
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: ========================
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: PHP Function Stack:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 0# unknown=>?: called MAM\Daemon\error_handler(2, 'fsockopen(): unable to connect to udp://:0 (Failed to parse address "")', 'D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\rcon.php', 147, 0, )
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 1# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\rcon.php=>147: called fsockopen('udp://', 0, 0, '', 5)
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 2# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\rcon.php=>67: called connect()
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 3# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\cod4\rcon\rcon.php=>33: called __construct(NULL, NULL, false)
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 4# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\cod4\rcon\rconcommands.php=>33: called __construct(NULL, NULL, false)
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 5# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\loop.php=>34: called __construct()
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 6# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\cod4\loop.php=>29: called init()
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 7# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon.php=>130: called init()
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: ========================
[24-Jun-2014 10:19:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to udp://:0 (Failed to parse address "") in D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\rcon.php on line 147
[24-Jun-2014 10:19:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error: Class 'MAM\Daemon\Engine\Quake3\Exception' not found in D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\rcon.php on line 149
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Error: Error in engine\quake3\rcon.php:149 => Class 'MAM\Daemon\Engine\Quake3\Exception' not found
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: ========================
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: PHP Function Stack:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 0# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\functions.php=>76: called error('Error in engine\quake3\rcon.php:149 => Class 'MAM\Daemon\Engine\Quake3\Exception' not found')
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 1# D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\functions.php=>257: called MAM\Daemon\error_handler(1, 'Class 'MAM\Daemon\Engine\Quake3\Exception' not found', 'D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\engine\quake3\rcon.php', 149)
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: 2# unknown=>?: called MAM\Daemon\check_for_fatal()
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug:
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Debug: ========================
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: ==============================================
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: ManuAdminMod | Version 1.0.0-Beta+3 | CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: ==============================================
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: Config loaded: config.json
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: Config loaded: plugins/antiteamkill.json
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Info: Config loaded: plugins/badwords.json
[24.06.14 10:19:28] Warning: Warning in core\mod.php:238 => array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array
[24-Jun-2014 10:19:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\functions.php on line 221
[24-Jun-2014 10:19:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Array to string conversion in D:\Games\Cod4 and Cod4 files\Call.of.Duty.4.Modern.Warfare.Full-Rip\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_1.0.0-beta+4\daemon\functions.php on line 221Pasted kick code will check later when i will kick hacker :3 aur marty.... btw it dont kick automatic
why is that?