hello guys i created a plugin can i share its !calladmin <Reason>
its will be send sound the \x07 twice and the name and time and reason will be save at logfiles
upload it in the forum so we can give our feedback
check the plugin here
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Alles anzeigen<?php $mod->registerCommand("calladmin",false,"calls"); function calls($guid,$parameters){ global $mod; global $players; $reason = implode(" ",$parameters); $mod->findReason($reason); $group = $players[$guid]->getGroup(); if(!empty($parameters)){ if($group == 'master'){ $players[$guid]->say("^1(^2You Already MasterAdmin^1)"); return false; } if($group == 'admin'){ $players[$guid]->say("^1(^2You Already Admin^1)"); return false; } $players[$guid]->say("^2Your Message Sent To Admin"); echo "\x07\x07"; $name = $players[$guid]->getName(); $time = date("d/m/y h:s"); $post = "PlayerName:$name ==> CallAdmin At Time : $time And The Reason Is : $reason \n"; $fp = fopen(LOGDIR . "/calladminused.log", "a"); fwrite($fp,$post); fclose($fp); return true; }else{ $players[$guid]->say("^2Please Put (^1Reason^2)"); } } ?>
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