problem :|
mod.log and php file pls :D.
We can't help you without an error message
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Alles anzeigenpublic function found($guid,$parameters){ $name = implode(" ",$parameters); $theguid = $this->mod->findPlayerGuid($name); $playername = $this->players[$guid]->getName($theguid); if($theguid){ $this->players[$guid]->say("Name : $playername And Guid : $theguid"); }else{ $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("playerNotFound",array("<SEARCH>"),array($parameters))); } if(empty($parameters)){ $this->players[$guid]->say($this->mod->getLngString("playerNotFound",array("<SEARCH>"),array($parameters))); }else{ $this->players[$guid]->say("lol"); } }
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0:00 [02.08.14 00:53:03] Notice: === Start processing loglines... ===
0:00 [02.08.14 00:53:05] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Next map is: ^7killhouse ^3(Headquarters)
62:13 [02.08.14 00:53:15] Notice: Genius' joined, PID: 0, GUID: c9c10719578932c9167e59ea825a2cb3
62:24 [02.08.14 00:53:26] Notice: Player 'Genius' executed command: 'found Genius', PID: 0, GUID: c9c10719578932c9167e59ea825a2cb3
62:24 [02.08.14 00:53:27] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Use ^3!geo ^2To Show Your Country Location
62:24 [02.08.14 00:53:48] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Check Our ^3!Time
62:51 [02.08.14 00:53:53] Notice: Player 'Genius' quit, PID: 0, GUID: c9c10719578932c9167e59ea825a2cb3edit : i was using with !found not !respawns
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