so bin ein Neuling mit dem Mod.
Habe ihn zum laufen gebracht und geht soweit super.
Nun meine Frage könnte mir jemand eine Testdatei erstellen. Wo dei ganzen Befehle zum Steuern des Mods enthalten sind.
MfG Torsten
so bin ein Neuling mit dem Mod.
Habe ihn zum laufen gebracht und geht soweit super.
Nun meine Frage könnte mir jemand eine Testdatei erstellen. Wo dei ganzen Befehle zum Steuern des Mods enthalten sind.
MfG Torsten
stehen doch alle im Wiki...
Copy and past und ein mal drucken
Du hast Glück, dass ich so eine Liste erst gerstern gemacht hab. Sind zwar noch die pb-Commands dabei, welche bei dir nicht funktionieren, aber ansonsten sollte sie komplett sein. Ist halt mit englischer Beschreibung:
tki = "tki ^2Shows your current teamkill index"
forgive = ""
kick = "kick PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Kicks a player"
ban = "ban PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Bans a player"
tempban = "tempban PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Bans a player temporarily"
map = "map MAPNAME [koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab] ^2Changes the map and gametype"
restart = "restart [1|0] ^2Restarts the map [1=complete restart]"
readconfig = "readconfig ^2Reloads the mod's config"
quitmod = "quitmod ^2Quits Manu-Admin-Mod"
killserver = "killserver ^2Kills the gameserver"
maprotate = "maprotate ^2Loads the next map in mapcycle"
help = "help COMMANDNAME ^2Prints the syntax and help of a command"
cointoss = "cointoss ^2Throws a coin and shows tails or heads"
gametype = "gametype koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab|ctf|htf ^2Changes the gametype and restarts the map"
admintest = "admintest ^2Shows your admin group"
time = "time ^2Shows the current time"
nextmap = "nextmap ^2Shows the next map"
kickall = "kickall ^2Kicks all player from server"
uptime = "uptime ^2Shows the server's uptime"
sysinfo = "sysinfo ^2Shows information about the servers hardware"
setpw = "setpw PASSWORD ^2Sets a server password"
removepw = "removepw ^2Removes the password"
info = "info ^2Shows the running Manu-Admin-Mod version"
hardcore = "hardcore 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables hardcore, shows effect in next map/round"
oldschool = "oldschool 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables oldschool, shows effect in next map/round"
killcam = "killcam 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables the killcam, shows effect in next map/round"
gravity = "gravity [VALUE] ^2Sets g_gravity to ^3VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 800 (default)"
knockback = "knockback [VALUE] ^2Sets g_knockback to^3 VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 1000 (default)"
speed = "speed [VALUE] ^2Sets g_speed to ^3VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 190 (default)"
me = "me ^2Shows your PID and GUID"
devmap = "devmap MAPNAME ^2Changes the map to ^3MAPNAME ^2with enabled cheats"
rcon = "rcon COMMAND ^2Executes a RCON command"
setff = "setff 0|1|2|3 ^2Changes FF-type: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=reflected, 3=shared"
ff = "ff ^2Shows the current friendly fire type"
say = "say MESSAGE ^2Prints a red message as ^7console"
pl = "pl ^2Shows the players with their PIDs"
maps = "maps ^2Shows the installed maps from maps.cfg"
cmdlist = "cmdlist ^2Shows the commands available for your admin group"
exec = "exec NAMEOFCONFIG ^2Executes a config ON THE SERVER"
setnextmap = "setnextmap MAPNAME [koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab|ctf|htf] ^2Sets the next map and gametype"
checkadmin = "checkadmin PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Shows the admin group of a player"
protect = "protect PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Sets or removes the protection of an admin"
setgroup = "setgroup GROUP PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Sets the admin group of a player"
fun = "fun [msg] ^2Prints a funmessage"
pbupdate = "pbupdate ^2Enforces a PunkBuster update"
pbrestart = "pbrestart ^2Restarts PunkBuster"
pbver = "pbver ^2Shows the current version of PunkBuster"
pbbanlist = "pbbanlist [SEARCH] ^2Schows the banlist"
pbunban = "pbunban BANID ^2Deletes a ban"
pbclearbans = "pbclearbans ^2Deletes all bans"
pbbanguid = "pbbunguid GUID [NAME] [IP] [REASON] Adds a ban, use ??? when name or IP are unknown"
session = "session ^2Shows your stats if current game session"
stats = "stats ^2Shows your overall stats"
vote = ""
avote = ""
yes = ""
no = ""
cancel = ""
pass = ""
warn = "warn PID|PART_OF_NICK REASON ^2Warns a player"
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