This seems to be related to ProMod, not to the IceOps Files.
Beiträge von Dennis
Give us a bit of your games_mp.log, before you joined until a bit after the commands.
Give us mod.log and mod config.
@Mirko911 Something to do with the missing restartdetection?
Do you start mam before you join the server?
We need your config, also. -
Well, this change has a very low priority at the moment, as we have many more important things to do.
A new update has been released to fix an issue with missing commands in Call of Duty.
We also prepared for our new config system. XML has been replaced by json.
Please make sure your config.cfg does NOT include the "on" and "off" aliases, or you will get a crash! -
Afaik this affects only the kick, warn, ban and similar commands. So a group need to have a power higher than the other groups neededpower to kick, warn, ban, etc a member of it. Before someone with kick command could kick anyone. The permissions system is subject to change for the final version.
Du musst den Befehl rules noch den Gruppen zuweisen, die ihn ausführen können sollen.
We released a fix for some problems that occured, please upgrade to beta 2 if you are using beta 1.
Dear users of the ManuAdminMod,
finally the first beta version of our new major release is publicly available.At the moment it supports the games "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" (with IceOps) and "Battlefield 4".
Future versions will support "Call of Duty 2", "Call of Duty: World at War", "ArmA" and all frostbite games.As there were too many changes in the MAM we will not provide a changelog. It has been overhauled completley.
Please note that this version is a real beta version and will have bugs. Please try out the new version - especially
for Battlefield 4 and report all bugs and wishes you encounter to us.Please note, that the license has changed. While downloading you agree to the license terms of CC BY-NC-ND 4.0,
You can find the download in our download database. German documentation has been updated as far as possible, but you
will need to configurate it yourself, as our generators will not be available until the final release. For english documentation
we still need translators. It will be ready for our final release.Gamecodes for mam.cfg are:
bf4 = Battlefield 4
cod4 = Call of Duty 4
codx = Call of Duty 4 with Iceops.We are also searching for staff. If you want to help us out, send me a conversation:
- Translators (German <-> English as well as other languages for MAM itself and our website)
- Developers (You need to have sufficent php knowledge)The plugin system has been reworked but is not in a final state, if you write plugins, you may need to adapt them later.
A documentation for plugin developers will follow, for understanding the MAM you can visit our Doc: to the hard working staff, all supporters and everyone who uses MAM!
Bitte die ganze Log-Datei.
Seems like they want to circumvent our new license. We won't give support for such hosters, we are very sorry. You should think about choosing another hoster, then.
Weise deinen Hoster bitte darauf hin, dass die Version 0.11.5 veraltet ist und nicht mehr unterstützt wird.
Welche Fehler treten denn genau auf, Logfiles? Stimmt der Pfad zum Logfile, Configs?
No, his problem is, that the custom commands don't work, as his server doesn't support the rcon commands needed for it. The .gsc file he searches for is a modification and has nothing to do with manuadminmod, as of that his topic was locked.
Wrong Forum, Wrong Title, No Bug. Closed.
Ist aber ein Fehler auf unserer Seite. Der eigentlich gebräuchliche Standard ist nunmal UTF-8.
The next Version is a new major version and will not be directly upgradeable. Just forget about saving anything from your configs.
You are allowed to share the ManuAdminMod in unmodified manner, if you modified it directly, you are not allowed to share that.
You can share plugins, as those do not modify the mod directly. But you are not allowed to sell those, as they must have the same license. -
Nothing. Path has to be changed in mam.cfg.
Zitat3- cod4 should i change or rename to config ?
No. -
You no longer need to edit start.bat, edit mam.cfg instead.…ng-PHP-Windows/