You only need to uncomment pdo_sqlite, the new SQLite System uses that and will create a SQLite 3 database for you. The old system is no longer used.
Beiträge von Dennis
It should work when you only uncomment pdo_sqlite.
Which PHP-Version are you running? -
Is there a php_pdo.dll line? If yes, uncomment it.
Nein, aber irgendwie sind die Configs da etwas verrutscht, der Config-Generator sollte das drin haben, in den Standard werden wir das in der nächsten Version wieder aufnehmen. Dokumentationen muss ich auch noch schreiben, stressig.
Yes, i thought it was closed, as with all other communites in the last months.
As far as i know there a no more projects supporting MW2 Servers, which software for MW2 Servers do you use?
You need to install the php extension "php-pdo-sqlite" to fix that error, i described it for Windows in this topic.
Is there any project for MW2 left? We were going to drop support for MW2.
You need to use the path to the .exe: E:\php.exe
Where do you hang?
You configure it as usal by configuring in the subfolder of the game you use.
In mam.cfg you change the path to the config directory and set the path to php. -
Nah, it is not even existing then. Uncomment it again.
Is there a extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll? If yes, uncomment it.
Wuah, need to go to bed, boyfriend feels lonely and i'm tired. -
In your php.ini search for extension=php_pdo.dll and uncomment it or add it if not there in the extensions section.
You need to install the php-pdo extension.
Download archives updated, seems to fix the syntax error as of development tool.
Seems to be a bug. -
No. Your RCON-Connection in your config.cfg is not valid, please check it.
The little bug has been fixed for new downloads, it does only occur when the mam crashes anyways.
That's something for @Mirko911 - seems to be a bug.
Either rename the folder "log" to "logfiles" or change LOGDIR="logfiles" to LOGDIR="log". That issue is fixed in newer downloads.
For Windows you only need to edit PHP="php" to the correct path.
Try using PHP="C:\php\php.exe" -
You can set checkforupdates = 1 to 0 in your Config.
Please note, that we do not longer support old versions.