Beiträge von Dennis
I can get a nice business
I don't understand, but if you plan on hosting GSManager for others you need a hosting license, anyways and then could use the interface, for this you would need to contact me by e-mail.
1. I don't have any default api user. I can see my name and I don't have anything in that file.
Look at this, APIUSER can be any GUID, so you could give admins on a GSM different usage rights in the interface:
At 1.: In users.json there should be a user named [api] or similar, that is the default API-User. You could log in with any user specified there as long as he has API-Permissions and a password set.
At 2.: Unfortunatley, at the moment the webinterface is only for clients that have their GSManager at Gamed!de. We are planning to extend this to everyone at any host OR self-hosted (for a small fee, i.e. €1 or less), but for this we need a new webinterface integrated in this website. (Ask Belstgut for progression :P)
Sorry, i can not help you out further at the moment. (But you don't really need the interface, it does just make things easier, as hosted clients require.) It all depends on the interface, but Belstgut seems pretty busy lately.
At the moment we do not have a documentation for it, but we are planning to create one.
The documentation is not binding, this is binding:
GSManager is a mighty and platform independent software for administrating game servers of various kinds.Dennis2. Juni 2017 um 00:00 There will be no changes to support PHP 5.4, it is outdated. It's not advised to use outdated PHP-Versions.
You can find newer PHP-Versions for your operating System at:
The php requirement is version 5.6.0 or higher, as seen when you download the software.
That would be a case for Mirko911 who did the database layout and functions.
You can't predict how something works if it doesn't work with the things we use and we use the GUID. There is no further need to explain why it works perfectly with some of them.
We just don't support the usage with no GUID, as it is needed to work correctly. You could see if a non-cracked server gives everyone a GUID, then it should work perfectly.
We will and cannot support cracked servers directly, as it is technically impossible. I marked this topic as "no error", as it is none with GSM. A developer might still step in to tell you more about this.
This is not a GSM Problem. Most of your Players haven't got an GUID which is needed for those features to work correctly.
This happens with cracked servers, as of that support for them was not given for a time in the past. And it seems CoD2 has some other issues with GUID, afaik.
I hope, Mirko911 might be able to describe that more in-depth.
A GSM Logfile when the censor does not work, when no killmessage appeared, even if it should and the same for a player joining without a welcome message being sent. And one for pingchecker when he should have taken an action, but none was taken. We got no CoD2 Servers for testing.
We need logfiles for each of the problems.
The configdir would be on your PC, so no problem. You should never change it if you don't have two or more instances of GSM running. If hosted by Gamed a change is also not needed in any case.
Yes, you can connect a Gamed GSManager to third-party GameServers. You would do so by using FTP in the logfile path. This is the way how cod4 and cod5 servers are connected at gamed, too. I'm wondering why this is not the case for cod2:ftp://username:password@host:port/path/to/log
Seems like something is wrong with the permissions then.
You could self-host it, but no, aside of there is no licensed hoster.