Beiträge von Avocado
Ok, baue den dann bei mir ein, danke schonmal
Oder in der db klasse ändern. Dann ist es für jede db abfrage gesichert undabhängig von den scrripts. Habe mir die db klasse aber nicht angeschaut, deswegen weiss ich nicht inwiefern das realisierbar ist.
okay, dankeschön.
hatte heute das problem, dass die mysql verbindungen unterbrochen wurde. MySQL server has gone ... Der adminmod ist danach nicht neugestartet und er hat auch nicht versucht die verbindung neu aufzubauen. bis ich restarted habe, wurden dann keine einträge in der mysql db gemacht.
Hallo, auf den Promod servern bekomme ich folgenden Fehler für bots:
Alles anzeigen[27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: Warning in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/libraries/database/database.php:389 => PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'firstActivityIP' cannot be null [27.08.15 19:48:30] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:251 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: Warning in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/libraries/database/database.php:389 => PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'playerID' cannot be null [27.08.15 19:48:30] Info: Player "bot9332" (GUID: BOT-Client, IP: , PID: 3) joined. [27.08.15 19:48:30] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:30] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: Warning in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/libraries/database/database.php:389 => PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'playerID' cannot be null [27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: GeoIP: is an invalid ip address [27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: GeoIP: is an invalid ip address [27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: GeoIP: is an invalid ip address [27.08.15 19:48:30] Warning: GeoIP: is an invalid ip address [27.08.15 19:48:30] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:30] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/plugins/welcomemessages/welcomemessages.php:118 => Undefined index: connections [27.08.15 19:48:30] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/plugins/welcomemessages/welcomemessages.php:119 => Undefined index: onlineTime [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:31] Info: Player 'bot9332' changed name to 'bot2856', PID: 3, GUID: bot-client [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:31] Warning: Warning in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/libraries/database/database.php:389 => PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'playerID' cannot be null [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/plugins/nameprotection/nameprotection.php:86 => Undefined index: bot-client [27.08.15 19:48:31] Error: Error in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/plugins/nameprotection/nameprotection.php:86 => Call to a member function getName() on null [27.08.15 19:48:31] Notice: Notice in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/core/player.php:466 => Trying to get property of non-object [27.08.15 19:48:31] Warning: Warning in home/cod4/basepath/c4s_gsmanager/daemon/libraries/database/database.php:441 => PDO::query(): SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Is it possible that headshots / teamkills are not added to the kills row in the database and stay separated which means that one have to add all the three columns to get all kills? Because if yes, this would be the solution for my problem.
Okay. Just tell me if you probably found something.
Yes, the GSM was all the time online. The statistics plugin is not modified. I changed some lines in the players.php but nothing what could provoke that.
I think they do not create a thread here because they do not even know what gsmanager is -.-
MySQL. In the logfile is nothing about connection losses.
Okay, I did not recognise that german is the main language
I tried it several times and it worked for me, nevertheless I received already about 10 pm's that their stats are not updated, even after they left the game. I am not sure if headshots are also concerned. Moreover the problem does not occur each time. So there is nothing which could help to reproduce it. Just randomly happening.
The logfiles do not contain any database errors or other errors but i have a lot of complains that the kills and / or deaths are sometimes not updated in the db. Is this a known issue? If not could you have a closer look at it what the problem could be?
okay. will it be enough to replace the plugin only when the new version has been released?
This is a message i received in our forums. Could you please have a look at the voting plugin again? It does not really seem to work...
Alles anzeigen@Avocado First problem with vote is that the mod ignores the vote duration as soon as minvotes are fullfilled. In our case, if 2 people vote (including the one who started the vote) the vote is instantly over with the result depending on the quorum. Second problem is, that the "voterights" between admins and players are inverted: player can not votekick player admin can not votekick player player can votekick admin admin can votekick admin It should be the other way around. Also, no matter what the outcome of the vote is, the admin does not get kicked.
THis is my configuration: -
Danke für deine Antwort. Habe zur abwechslung mal die EULA verstanden. Finde ich sehr gut, dass die so kurz ist
Kann ich verstehen mit den languages. Wenn du willst kann ich dir meine zukommen lassen wenn ich die fertig habe...
Jaja ich weiß. trotzdem werden wahrscheinlich pro 5 minuten 10 unterschiedliche spieler ankommen und meinen einen hacker gesehen zu haben... nene du da habe ich lieber meine ruhe.
Bestimmt darf ich das aus irgendwelchen Lizenzgründen nicht und das report plugin habe ich noch garnicht angeschaut, weil unser ts dann 24 stunden zugespammt wäre.
Habe im Bugtracker was zu den aliases gepostet.
Was ich mal ganz gut fände ist, wenn die language files beendet werden. Die sind nämlich nur halb fertig. es gibt zum beispiel keinen language string für die gametypes.
ZB: !map get --> next map is: crossfire (daemon.gametype.war)
Beim bannen kommt zum beispiel nicht der grund, sondern einfach nur "todo". Ich konnte es jetzt selber fixen, ist nur nervig :D. Oder soll ich einen extra thread aufmachen dafür? -
Wenn ich mich recht erinnere gibt es solch ein Plugin schon für den alten MAM.