Beiträge von XOXO
Ja wir hatten ein bisschen was geändert (die Unban Funktion ist aber original^^).
Console: Welcome Player |GB| Speedy from Germany
Info: Player joined: '|GB| Speedy'
] !ls
Private: 2=>|GB| Speedy; X=>TCP-Admin (Speedy);
] !banip 2 Test
Console: Player |GB| Speedy got permanently banned by TCP-Admin (Speedy), Reason: Test
Info: Player quit: '|GB| Speedy'
] !unbanip Speedy
Private: Some entries were found, use !unbanip id:
Private: 979 | | Speedy
Private: 1471 | | |GB| Speedy
] !unbanip 1471
Private: banip removed: 1471 | | |GB| Speedy)
] !banlist Speedy
Private: of total bans were resulted from the search:
Private: 623 [0ed17465] |GB| Speedy Reason: Test (Left: Unlimited)
] !unban 623
Private: Ban sucessfully deleted
Console: Welcome Player |GB| Speedy from Germany
Info: Player joined: '|GB| Speedy' -
Also bei mir funktioniert es einwandfrei
Einfach da ändern:
Zitat$this->players[$guid]->kick($this->mod->getCV("hackervz", "banreason"));
Wird dir jetzt zwar nicht ganz neu sein, aber ich benutze es auch.
Bis jetzt 20 Busts, hab aber auch eine Woche Vorsprung. Gute Arbeit.
Ja irgendwo hatte ein Semikolon gefehlt, das musste ich auch erst noch reinsetzen.
Chat loggen?
Um die Statistiken in einer mysql Datenbank zu speichern musst du kein *.sql file importieren, du benötigst lediglich eine Datenbank, die Tabellen legt der Adminmod selbstständig an.
ich benutz diese Version.
Ist glaubig eine Mischung aus Luk's und Belstgut'sSpoiler anzeigen
Alles anzeigeniptables -N Q3R-BLOCK iptables -A Q3R-BLOCK -m recent --set --name rcon-flooders -j DROP iptables -N Q3R-CHK iptables -A Q3R-CHK -p udp -s localhost -j RETURN iptables -A Q3R-CHK -p udp -m string ! --string "rcon" --algo bm --from 32 --to 33 -j RETURN iptables -A Q3R-CHK -m recent --update --name rcon-flooders --seconds 10 --hitcount 1 -j DROP iptables -A Q3R-CHK -m hashlimit --hashlimit-mode srcip,dstport --hashlimit-name rcon-limit --hashlimit-above 5/second -j Q3R-BLOCK # look at all packets going to gameservers iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 28950:28975 -j Q3R-CHK
Das sind jetzt aber welche gegen Rcon Flooding/Blocking und nicht gegen get_status Flood.
Edit: Zu spät....
Or just use the !pbgetss command.
Edit: Uuups just read the first sentence
Or maybe the biggest difference between kills and deaths?
1 . Best palyer would be player with highest K/D ratio and the worst with worst k/d ratio
One kill and no death = best player?
Yenz explains this here
Open your groups.cfg file with an editor and add the command register to the group "default".
For example:
name = "Player"
commands = "register,vote,admin,skip,ts,online,server,yes,vmap,rules,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,hi,help,admintest,time,nextmap,info,me,cmdlist,session" -
Ja gibt es: Kick/Ban-Logger
Was will der? bzw die?
Na den Download Link vom Plugin form^^
Und das Serverinfo Plugin (also denk ich jetzt mal).
The Guid should be shown to you when you enter !me into the gameservers chat.
"protected" means, that if other player will (ab)use one of your nicks, they will be kicked. If you don't want that set it to 0.
Protected means that the Player couldn't be kicked/banned by other admins or the adminmod itself.
The feature you mentioned is implemented in the nameprotection.php plugin and controlled in the config.cfg file:
enabled =1
adminnamekick = 1
adminnamekickmode = "ban"
adminnamekickreason = "Your name is an admins name" -
Don't forget to add the command !register to your groups.cfg and to restart the manuadminmod.
Have fun.