yes..i have cod 4 1.7 and i know how to make server to can enter other people
Beiträge von paulpba
still don't work..this i my id on gameranger : 1179515 me and i will give you tv to do it
i will try to put them..someone told me that killcam works just for linux OS ..he have linux and gave me his killcam and doesn't work on my windows...and can you explain me exactly how to install it? because i saw on some discriptions that i have to put in in mods,but if i put it there and start like a mod admin mod don't work and i start at level 1
sorry but still don't work..i've tried all
any solution?
no..i want to make final killcam for normal game, snd
ok.thank you for help
can you put it here? please:) or send an email with it on
maybe you have an another finall killcam? which maybe will work?
search & destroy
yes,i'm playing with a friend who have a diferent guid and not working
and i need a command to start it when i'm in game?
sorry, but still don't work..i use Mam 0.12..when i start the game i need to do something special ?
Hello..I've tried to put finalkillcam 2 in main folder and don't work..i miss something?