Hi Master of Little,
Thanks for your reply, in my config i have this:
name = "Player"
commands =
So, what default players can type?
KB :confused:
Hi Master of Little,
Thanks for your reply, in my config i have this:
name = "Player"
commands =
So, what default players can type?
KB :confused:
wow so thanks again my friend!
Hi all,
I saw on servers players can type !register command to be recognize on it, is it available on MAM?
thanks for your help,
Hi Juni,
Sorry for late answer, but no i don't have pb anymore with php , thanks a lot! Can't remember who gave me a php, maybe you? But it works fine now!
Oh sry , thought it was in BB3 settings, do you know what kind of mods can use it?
Hi all,
Does someone knows a command line about spawnkilling? I mean, when someone spawnkills you, the player is warned automatically by a console message , for example: "pm: No Spawnkilling please - 1/3 warnings!" I know Big Brother can do it, but is it possible with MAM ?
Thanks for your help,
Kill3ill :cool:
wow great mate! thanks a lot again!!!
Yes Belstgut, i added my correct guid in the admins.cfg file and it works fine now! I also succeeded in adding a friend as a clan member with !setgroup command Btw, i didn't succeed in adding someone as a masteradmin with the "!setgroup" command, so i added him in admins.cfg and restarted MAM and it works. Just a last question, do you know the command to know #id of players in server? I tried !list but it's not that.
Thanks ,
KB :cool:
ok thanks Belstgut, i restarted my MAM program and now all is ok, thanks a lot for your help and sorry for my noob skill It helped me a lot!!!!!
wow didn't know that! And what about the quote names? Do i have to insert my name too?
Here is my admins.cfg file:
; This file will be overwritten by the mod automatically
; Do not make any comments inhere
; Use the generator to generate a valid file: http://gw-2.de/miniscripts/cod_config/adminmod/admin.php
group = "master"
names = "dummy,dummie"
protected = 1
I entered my name in quote names, when i entered my server i got kicked for using an admin name lool, what is wrong?
Hi Belstgut,
Here is my groups.cfg :
name = "Masteradmin"
commands = "*"
name = "Admin"
commands = "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,cointoss,pl,maps,checkadmin,kickme,kick,tempban,map,restart,maprotate,say,setnextmap,warn,gametype,ban,kickall,setpw,removepw,hardcore,oldschool,killcam,gravity,knockback,speed,setff,exec,avote,cancel,pass,resetplayerstats,paypack,getip"
name = "Clan-Member"
commands = "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,cointoss,pl,maps,checkadmin,kickme,kick,tempban,map,restart,maprotate,say,setnextmap,warn"
name = "User"
commands = "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap,cointoss,pl,maps,checkadmin,kickme"
name = "Player"
commands = "vote,yes,no,forgive,tki,stats,fun,help,admintest,time,nextmap,uptime,status,info,me,ff,cmdlist,session,serverstats,resetmystats,skip,vmap"
So, what do i have to do with it? Do i have to place my name in quote name or? :confused:
Hi Master Little,
Thanks for your reply.Sorry but I'm not sure to understand what u mean. First of all, i want to say i don't have these commands in my groups.cfg. About groups, so is it only for tcp console? If yes, how can i set my admin status in my server? i tried to type !setgroup in my server(chat command), but it said i can't use this command?
Tx again
sorry to bother with that, but i can't find any way to do it on internet? My main problem is i don't know how to manage all the groups in my cfg? It seems we can differenciate players/clan members/admins/Master admins etc....
I tried things about TCP admin generator, but no success???
Help me please! Thanks!
Anyone knows about admins /clan member/user groups settings? I'd like to know how can i make myself Master admin?
Now, i finally found about changing messages
Thanks for your help,
Hi all,
can someone help me about settting groups.cfg, i mean how can i manage different groups in my server?
What is there in admin.cfg file? I don't know what to do with it? What is it used for?
Then, about server messages that i can see sometimes, how to change them? Thanks for your reply
Ok, so this generator tcp admin is a kind of tcp console right? Thanks again to you Master Little! I want to thank Juni too for his help
Hi master of little,
Thanks for ur reply, it works fine now! But i have an error "warning:TCP-Query: error: syntax error in tcp_user.db on line 1
What does it mean?
Ok, now i fixed all my paths in mam.cfg and config files. It's better but i got another message now: call of duty 4- modern warfare\main\MAM 0.12\classes\parser.class.php:52=>fclose<>supplied argument is not a valid stream ressource<-[0m
Hi Juni,
Tx for ur help, i really appreciate . I downloaded this PHP and i got a php.exe in this one! Thanks! I placed my PHP folder in my D drive, but same error!? My MAM folder is in main , is good or should i place it in c drive only?