yes 100% ^1 = red ^2 = Green
but you have light Green i dont have but neverminde
Beiträge von geniusxD
but i don't have like your's
its console like when i type !rules i saw nice colors more colorful
in your server have nice colors
how to do it in c4s killhouse tdm hc
how can i make my colors more colorful like light blue or light green -
not works its like fun commands
offcurs not work with me :lol:
yes but color codes not work
i need it more colorles -
sorry but what is that do ?? ====>> Build 13620 Thu Oct 04 00:43:04 2007 logfile opened on Tue Oct 8 15:01:21 2013 -
plz some one
give me xfire or teamviewer 8 id and pass
give me teamviewer i can do it
yes i do i download database but stell say cant found database download it
go to downloads and go down down the website download mam 0.11.5
ip = "" ===>> your ip server
port = 28960 ===>> your server port
logfile = "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 1.7\main/games_mp.log" ==>> main cod4 where you see "games_mp.log"
rconpassword = "121212" ==> your rcon password serveror watch a video from you tube
this ==> How to configure manu admin mod (installing) with gameranger (COD4) - YouTube
this ==> How To Setup ManuAdmin Mod on Cod4 [GameRanger] - YouTubeand for tcp-console watch this ===>> help for using TCP-console for manu admin mod - YouTube
i have problem some one was connect and he was wallhacker but when i put !kick <player_name> console say this player not found
and when i put !pl i cant found him with tcp-console and !plsome help i have anti guid but i think some one have same key-code
lol its old but works 100% i changed it and works
no its realy easy just type in console
g_teamname_allies "<team_name>g_teamname_axis "<team_name>
what is that do ??
hi all i was searching for plugins to top players show in console
console : top players
console : <player_name> kills/deaths
so how to do that