hmmm i will search i was ban the hacker but i ban wrong one : :lol: but fine
Beiträge von geniusxD
sorry bad english i translate
i was baned some one in game play i need to unban him how
i need ban players lis and how to unban them -
hi all
i was baned some so i need to unban him i cant it try !unban but didnt work
i need ban list and to unban who i want can some one help me -
i need to change console exampel to server or lol
!nextmap ===>> server:nextmap will be <map> <gametype>
how to do that :eek: -
good plugin :tick:
plz watch this and tell me what wrong
thanxxxx :tick: :tick: :tick: :tick:
where i put this
I would recommend to use mirko's version. It contains a nice feature: You can use reasons (which are defined in config/reasons.cfg) to scream like this with a leading point:
PHP Source code
1!scream .teamkilling
To choose the colors and reduce the count of messages replace this part of mirko's code:
PHP Source code
3for ($i = 0; $i <= 9; $i ++) {
}with something LIKE that (you may want to edit color codes and add further colors by adding a new line):
PHP Source code
$mod->rconSay("^2$msg"); -
ohh yenz plz just tell me what i do
hi all can some one help me with scream give me link or how to use or add me in xfire:ko12ko plz
ohhh thanx dude :):)
hi all i need to know what mean chatlogger can some one help me :wallbash:
I NEED HELP :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
Config loaded: plugins/poweradmin.cfg
0:00 [23.09.13 14:18:50] Notice: Config loaded: plugins/serverinfo.cfg
0:00 [23.09.13 14:18:50] Notice: Config loaded: maps.cfg
0:00 [23.09.13 14:18:50] Notice: Config loaded: admins.cfg -
plz add me xfire:ko12ko
the problem are its didnt work
they say"^1{IP} ^7{SERVERNAME} ^7 => Players: ^2{CURRENT_PLAYERS}/{MAX_PLAYERS} ^7 Map: ^2{MAPNAME} ({GAMETYPE})"
didn't show ip and maxplayer and map and gametype didnt work
hi guys that is my server info
enabled = 1
servers = ""
message = "{IP} {SERVERNAME} ^7 => Players: ^2{CURRENT_PLAYERS}/{MAX_PLAYERS}";
offline = "{IP} ^7is ^1OFFLINE"
interval = 300*/
$mod->setDefaultCV("serverinfo", "enabled", 1);
$mod->setDefaultCV("serverinfo", "servers", "");
$mod->setDefaultCV("serverinfo", "message", "^1{IP} ^7{SERVERNAME} ^7 => Players: ^2{CURRENT_PLAYERS}/{MAX_PLAYERS} ^7 Map: ^2{MAPNAME} ({GAMETYPE})");
$mod->setDefaultCV("serverinfo", "offline", "{IP} ^7is ^1OFFLINE");
$mod->setDefaultCV("serverinfo", "interval", 300);$serverinfo = new serverinfo();
$serverinfo->readServers();$mod->registerEvent("everyTime", "trigger", $serverinfo);
$mod->registerEvent("parseConfig", "readServers", $serverinfo);class serverinfo {
private $mod = false;
private $lastsend = 1;
private $servers = array();
private $current = 1;public function __construct() {
$this->mod = &$GLOBALS["mod"];
$this->lastsend = time();
}private function getInfo($ip, $port) {
try {
$con = new q3query($ip, $port);
catch (Exception $e) {
}$info = $con->getGameInfo();
if (!$info) {
return false;
$info["ping"] = $con->getLastPing();
$info["hc"] = (isset($info["hc"])) ? $info["hc"] : 0;
$info["kc"] = (isset($info["kc"])) ? $info["kc"] : 0;
$info["ff"] = (isset($info["ff"])) ? $info["ff"] : 0;
$info["od"] = (isset($info["od"])) ? $info["od"] : 0;
$info["pb"] = (isset($info["pb"])) ? $info["pb"] : 0;
$info["pure"] = (isset($info["pure"])) ? $info["pure"] : 0;
$info["mod"] = (isset($info["mod"])) ? $info["mod"] : 0;
$info["pswrd"] = (isset($info["pswrd"])) ? $info["pswrd"] : 0;
$info["clients"] = (isset($info["clients"])) ? $info["clients"] : 0;
$info["protocol"] = (isset($info["protocol"])) ? $info["protocol"] : "unknown";$con->quit();
return $info;
}public function readServers() {
if (!$this->mod->getCV("serverinfo", "enabled")) return;
$this->servers = array();
$ips = explode(";", $this->mod->getCV("serverinfo", "servers"));
foreach ($ips as $address) {
if (preg_match('|^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}):(\d{1,5})$|', $address, $subpatterns)) {
$this->servers[] = array("ip" => $subpatterns[1], "port" => $subpatterns[2]);
$this->current = 0;
}public function trigger() {
if (!$this->mod->getCV("serverinfo", "enabled")) return;
if (count($this->servers) == 0) return;if (time() - $this->lastsend < $this->mod->getCV("serverinfo", "interval")) return;
$info = $this->getInfo($this->servers[$this->current]["ip"], $this->servers[$this->current]["port"]);
if (!$info) {
$search[] = "{IP}";
$replace[] = $this->servers[$this->current]["ip"] . ":" . $this->servers[$this->current]["port"];
$msg = str_replace($search, $replace, $this->mod->getCV("serverinfo", "offline"));
else {
$search[] = "{SERVERNAME}";
$search[] = "{MAX_PLAYERS}";
$search[] = "{CURRENT_PLAYERS}";
$search[] = "{IP}";
$search[] = "{MAPNAME}";
$search[] = "{GAMETYPE}";
$search[] = "{PING}";
$replace[] = $info["hostname"];
$replace[] = $info["sv_maxclients"];
$replace[] = $info["clients"];
$replace[] = $this->servers[$this->current]["ip"] . ":" . $this->servers[$this->current]["port"];
$replace[] = $this->mod->getLongMapName($info["mapname"]);
$replace[] = $this->mod->getLongGametype($info["gametype"]);
$replace[] = $info["ping"];$msg = str_replace($search, $replace, $this->mod->getCV("serverinfo", "message"));
}$this->lastsend = time();
$this->current ++;
if (!array_key_exists($this->current, $this->servers)) {
$this->current = 0;
and last one[serverinfo]
enabled = 1
servers = ""
message = "^1{IP} ^7{SERVERNAME} ^7 => Players: ^2{CURRENT_PLAYERS}/{MAX_PLAYERS} ^7 Map: ^2{MAPNAME} ({GAMETYPE})"
offline = "{IP} ^7is ^1OFFLINE"
interval = 300