guys hello
i need to know when i run lan server and set rcon_password bla. how when i run manuadminmod its know that its wrong ?
or ip and port
cause i neeed to make manurcontool
Beiträge von GumGes1
that mean redirect
i don't think its possible cause when some one inside the server and he type !join deathrun it can't redirect from inside the server to another one
or i am wrong ? -
watch this and its works to run server with manuadminmod in GameRanger
no we are friends
i don't think the 3 players have same guid
and not only my friends get kick even some another players too
i am using 0.12 beta -
the part of mod.log
Spoiler anzeigen
7:32 [27.08.14 20:56:30] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_killspree
37:32 [27.08.14 20:56:30] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_deathspree
37:32 [27.08.14 20:56:30] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_lastkill
37:35 [27.08.14 20:56:33] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_killspree
37:35 [27.08.14 20:56:33] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_killspree
37:35 [27.08.14 20:56:33] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_deathspree
37:35 [27.08.14 20:56:33] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_lastkill
37:35 [27.08.14 20:56:34] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^3Server Running By Manuadminmod Version 0.12Beta.
37:48 [27.08.14 20:56:45] PHP-Error: Notice in :\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\classes\player.class.php:99 => Undefined index: spreemessages_lastkill
37:57 [27.08.14 20:56:55] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Please ^3!Register ^2-^1> ^5To Register At The ^2Server
38:13 [27.08.14 20:57:11] Notice: Player '|T.H| TerRiblr' quit, PID: 1, GUID: e5ade5322ed525ce14cf53a700369c64
38:16 [27.08.14 20:57:16] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^3Use ^5!geo ^2To Show Your ^1Country Location
38:38 [27.08.14 20:57:36] Notice: Player 'Genius' executed command: 'geoip [', PID: 0, GUID: c9c10719578932c9167e59ea825a2cb3
38:38 [27.08.14 20:57:38] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Check Our ^3!time
38:50 [27.08.14 20:57:48] Notice: Player 'Genius' quit, PID: 0, GUID: c9c10719578932c9167e59ea825a2cb3
38:58 [27.08.14 20:57:59] Notice: Banner message was sent: ^2Always Check ^3!Rules.about 3 from 10 players get kicked idk why 3 players trying to join but they kicked
I never played mw2 or CoD games above cod5
how you test your cod4 plugins ?
the C4S Servers you are not leader there ? -
no but i wasn't know you need it with something.txt
ohh , i wasn't know that you want it with something.txt wait i'll do it
sorry -
Spoiler anzeigen
enabled = 1 // if this = 0 that means every thing down will be disabled
sender = 5 // the last 5 msg has been reported by players when you join you will see even you can changed for 3 or 2
senderEnabled = 1 // if this = 0 that means you disabled the sender that means when you joined you see nothing xD
SelfReport = You Can't Report Your Self !! // if some one report him self it will send this msg
ThanksForReport = Thanks For Your Reporting // when some one finished his correct report it will send this msg
errorparams = The Name Or The Reason Didn't Entered In Your Msg // when some type !report and didn't enter the reason or the name it will send this msgand only masteradmin can see this when he joined
thanks a lot i am waiting for this version
to get the mod.log its locate at like example : C:\Users\user\Desktop\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\main\mam_0.12_beta\logfiles\mod.log
banner for admins sending msg PM for admins who online
ohh nice and thanks
thanks yenz
sorry dennis