[17.07.08 00:51:37] Notice: ----------------------
[17.07.08 00:51:37] Notice: Mod is starting...
[17.07.08 00:51:37] Notice: ----------------------
[17.07.08 00:51:37] Notice: !! Please wait until the mod is completely initialised
[17.07.08 00:51:37] Notice: Config files parsed
[17.07.08 00:51:37] Notice: RCON connection established
[17.07.08 00:51:38] !! Warning: RCON response of 'status' was empty, check wether the gameserver is running and the config is correct!
[17.07.08 00:51:38] Notice: Got playerlist from 'status'
[17.07.08 00:51:39] Notice: Got Gamemode
[17.07.08 00:51:39] Notice: Dvar "_manuadminmod" was set to "0.5 beta"
[17.07.08 00:51:40] Notice: Heartbeat has been sent to mod.windaishi.de: Server successfully added
[17.07.08 00:51:41] Notice: !! Finished initialisation
EDIT: Habs gefunden DANKE dir echt super ding das läuft nach 4 tagen hehe