Very nice work manu
Beiträge von Friki
np we are all here to help each other
you need to check in the manu admin, log directory, open 1 of the text files and search for you're name, and you will see the correct guid there
which is different then the one you stated
you need to add sv_log_damage = 1 to you're server config
or if you dont want to restart server yet, just type that in you're servers console or with rcon
Would be lovely, becasue I am not that good at php scripting
Is it possible too see with an command ingame, which admins are online on the server at that time? So you see the names off all admins, whom are online? instead of checkadmin?
I really have no idea what it exactly was, but after a few mod restarts it suddenly worked
I did put it at all groups, but when I execute the commadn nothing happens, nor does it get recognized in the console.
nvm got it too work
thnx for the help
I also added the trigger to groupscfg, but does one jut put it at the end off the line? and is it needed for all groups?
first of all, nice mod
but when I type !rules ingame noting happens, but it does show the rules in console on join, but not on command?