Thank you, Manu. And thank you for the excellent framework tool to work with.
Beiträge von Braddoc
Wow. You seem a bit hostile towards me giving you a suggested revision to your code. As for "like a plugin", there is no way to make it "like a plugin". As I mentioned before, it modifies your core commands, so the core code needs to be modified.
As I wrote, do with it as you please. My change is only a one liner, but you could easily make it optional via CV's from the config file, and pre-pending the CV to the say function's output. An empty CV value would prepend nothing, leaving you with no distinguishings.
No need to mention me. It was an easy 1 liner. Since this is a change to the basic functionality, there was no way to release it as a plugin.
I'd like to submit this diff to the 0.8.1beta source. Basically, what this does is allow you to be able to mask particular commands that I feel should only be returned to the user that requested it.
Our community likes to keep our administrators as anonymous as possible. When an administrator does an '!admintest', it returns to the whole server. With this patch, we were able to choose via the CV changeable in the config.cfg file, weather MAM would return to either the whole server, or only the person who requested the information. As such, administrators look like normal users when they type the commands, as no response is returned to the entire server.
I've only added this functionality to these commands:
admintest -
I'd like to submit this diff to the 0.8.1beta source. This code simply adds "(PM) " to the beginning of every players[$guid]->say function, or basically anything sent via '/rcon tell' to the players. We wanted this functionality to distinguish between what was sent privately and what was sent to the entire server. It's a 1 line addition, so nothing too fancy. Feel free to change the colors.