Hey what about the first part? Is it possible to make it for the reasons thingy you can type !k dakota rule1 instead of !k dakota .rule one (so basically removing the .)
Beiträge von dakotaboul123
Ich frage mich, wenn ihr möglich machen, manu admin mod arbeiten ohne eine Verkaufsoption. bevor die Ursache davon! k Dakota rule1?
Auch gibt es einen Weg zu machen manu admin mod verwenden die gleichen admins.cfg und kam Statistiken für jeden Server, den Sie haben?
I have found a patch that fixes the hackers ability to hack the rcon and stuff hook me up on xfire to get it daktoaboul123.
// EDIT by Staff:
Use it on your own risk! -
ein IRC-Bot, der so funktioniert, wie das !admin-Plugin wäre toll.
Man tippt zum Beispiel "!hacker <user>" in den Chat, und auf dem IRC erscheint:ATTENTION: <sender> hat gemeldet, dass <user> hackt!
This is already included in the next version
Thanks Manu
Your the bestes person ever you to and Dennis and of course my pie lover Hool =-]
Hey my friend has a mod that bans name changers maybe you guys can look at it to make it inn Manu admin mod?
What does this feature do ??
announcenamechanges = 1Does it kick name changers?
Its this:http://www.bigbrotherbot.com/
It is really hard to do MAM is beter but i can not use MAM till next realease :rofl:
anyway you can make it so the server does not need PB in order to use this command
BTW Is there anyone that knows how to install B3 on the core?
Did they find a Fix yet?
Like how much longer cause this thing only works for 5 mins then stops ]: ]: ]:
So what can i do bout this meanwhile?
Ok.....But it does it for all versions. ]:
Now i get this some Php error after a awhile ]:
Did you ever make a plugin so you can do !stats Martin when your name is Joey
Like see other peoples stats
Cross out that error above
I get this error now:
Then it stops the mod heres the error:[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_effects1' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_effects2' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_weapon' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_weapon2d' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_nonshock' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_voice' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_local' in file 'shock/damge_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_local2' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_ambient' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_hurt' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_player1' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_player2' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_music' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_musicnopause' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_mission' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_announcer' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'
[26.04.09 21:37:08] Output: ^3WARNING: unknown dvar 'bg_shock_volume_shellshock' in file 'shock/damage_mp.shock'Thats just part
Heres the LOG
0:00 [26.04.09 16:46:33] !! Error: File games_mp.log does not exist or FTP server does not support SIZE
Got that error
How can i do this so it works?