what port & ip do you type in on the TCP-Console
Beiträge von Master of Little
Please use the search function: http://www.manuadminmod.de/wbb/index.php/…D=5029#post5029
; am Anfagn sind Kommentare -> wird Ignoriert
was steht in zeile 1 bei dir?
It does what it says: 0 -> banner won't be logged in mod.log, 1 -> banner will be logged in mod.log
the mod.log will be created by mam
Sorry, we can't help you because we do not support GameRanger as of some major problems with this program.
yes and there you have to set "storagetype": "sqlite"
in your config.json, located in the config older
please post the line with the error
in mam.cfg the line with your config should be like this: CFGDIR="configs"
When I am done with core work, I will update my plugins
Your config.json has an syntax error please check it
What OS do you use?
If you have access to the php.ini, just remove the semicolon character (;) in front of the line below.
extension=php_mbstring.dll -
Da sind noch ein paar mehr bugs drin. Am besten ist du stellst logrcon in deiner config.json auf false, da es eig eh nur zum debuggen gebraucht wird
Das ist ein bug in der beta4.
Gehe in die Datei daemon\engine\quake3\cod4\Rcon\rconlog.php
Und füge ein \Rcon an MAM\Daemon\Engine\Quake3\Cod4\Rcon anWenn och mich recht erinnere wäre das
Here is a list of all events
http://www.manuadminmod.de/lexicon/index.…-registerEvent/ -
MAM is a admin tool for ranked server and when you use such things the cod server will be unranked
cause it's a little programm and you dont need OO
we are no wizzards, so please post your mod.log or the part where the mam stoped working.
Use [spoiler][/spoiler].greeting
Master of Little