does it shows anything?
Are other commands working?
Check the path to your logfile
does it shows anything?
Are other commands working?
Check the path to your logfile
please post your edited banner.json
please post your badwords.json and banner.json in [ spoiler ] tags
You have an arror in your json syntax, please the files where you edited someting.
In the image you can see a arrow click on the button below and you can upload files(It's in german but in english it is on the same position)
Make a new thread in modifications, descripe your plugin, zip it and upload it there.
Ahoi ich bin so um 11 daheim dann könnten wir uns ja mal im ts treffen wenn du lust hast
darüber bin ich auch mal gestolpert, biss ich n bisschen rumprobiert hab und einfach alles gelöscht hab
Jetzt beachte ich den Header eig. nicht wirklich, ich hol mir nur die länge vom Paket und decode des dann einfach.
Bis jetzt funktionierts eigentlich
Edit: Mir gefällt meine Rcon-Klasse eig. auch noch nicht ganz, vll über arbeite ich die nochmal komplett
the array $params is not existing anymore, because we changed function hello($guid, $params) to function hello($args).
You need to remove the line $msg =$params[1];
and change $pos = strpos($msg,$search); to $pos = strpos($message,$search);
Yea he means the plugin. Just post it here again so that we can see the changes
first of all you need to register your plugin to the mam:
$mod->registerEvent("playerSay", "hello");
That means the MAM knows, when someone says hello that he has to call the function hello(), thats your function.
This line needs to be befor your function.
Now to your function:
you don't need$mod->findReason($msg) because this is for reason(for example you type in the chat !kick Hans .camper, he will kick Hans for "Do not camp!")
This: $msg = (strlen($msg) > 100) ? substr($msg, 0, 100) : $msg; is for rcon-messages because they don't have to be more then 100 chars -> you don't need that.
Finally it should be something like this:
just click on the eye in your message editor.
2nd line, 3th from right
please post your mod.log and your plugin, we will take a look.
Please post them in
insert {} into your default.json
you need a new php version.
Download it from here:
use this version: VC11 x86 Thread Safe (2014-May-28 19:57:18)
Ja die 1.0.0 kann Plugins benutzen, aber die alten sind nicht mehr kompatibel
use 5.5 thread safe and x64 or x86 depends on which os you have.
After you downloaded it, go to the php.ini, search for mbsting and delete the ';' infront of that line
The hash has to be sha1