Da muss "allowedmaps =" hin
Beiträge von Master of Little
es gibt da noch einen Bug in den Generatoren.
Füge vor mp_backlot "maps = " ein
und vor war "gametypes = " -
You need in your configfolder/plugin a file named admin_groups.txt:
in the file you write:
34234523gf4zhu23ffj2f3tf4j23zf42:master:1:50fd7e4bdf5a8e54fc02ffa616c685ff -
There is a command right now use !online to see what admins are online.
the missing names in the config.cfg is a bug from our generator, we will fix this
there are more changes in Version 0.12 so you have to re-install the complete mod, delete your mod folder and copy the new one in there.
You can use your old admin.cfg and tcp_user.de -
in der mam.cfg kannst du alles einstellen was du brauchst
zu 1. du musst die mam.bat ausführen
zu 2. Remote Desktop bedeutet eine Verbinung zu einem entfernten PC(Server) da du den MaM wahrscheinlich lokal laufen lässt brauchst du das nichtWir konnten leider noch nicht die Dokumentation an die neue Version anpassen, deswegen sind dort noch Kleinigkeiten anders.
Viel Spaß mit dem MaM -
Hardlinks unter Windows erstellen: http://www.windows-pitstop.de/index.php?titl…Links_erstellen
checkforupdates = 1 = Check for manuadminmod updates? Yes
checkinterval = 6 = time in hours to check
announceinterval = 5 = time in hours new version will be announced
serverlist = 1 = list server on public server list
serverlistip = "" = your public game-server ip -
You have an permission error: Has mam the rights to open the log file?
Name it complaint.php or something like that
you can't forbid someone to write in chat, you can only kick him after he wrote something
there is no possibility to change the name output for players -
and for the error with the timezone look here http://php.net/manual/timezones.php
If it is all done please mark the thread as done
please post what you put in your .bat -
At the moment it is not possible to make it for Windows. Sorry.
But I will post it when I have a solution -
Aber wenn der Spieler nicht beim ersten mal joinen gekickt werden soll braucht man eine DB oder mann kann die Stats DB nehmen wenn die aktiviert ist -
in one file you have port 8008 and in the other 27017. They have to be the same
The admin_valid_client.exe has to be in the same folder as your authenticate.bat