Just download it from here: http://archive.manuadminmod.de/index.php?page=Product&productID=1&categoryID=0&
Beiträge von Master of Little
You don't need to add or delete something in customcommands.php when you try to add a new command. Do it in config.cfg.
Upload an unedited customcommands.php and it will work again -
-Open iw3mp.exe with an binary editor like Notepad++
-Go to line 26149 and change console_mp to a different name but it NEED the exact same amount of letters.
-the same but search for console_mp to find the line -
Now you have 2 lines in your admin_groups.txt?
and with 1 line it works? -
-*.zip downloaden http://www.php.net/downloads.php
- in der php.ini Zeilein
ändern.(Zeile Musst du suchen)
The problem is I can't reproduce your problem, on my pc it works fine.
What version do you use?Try this version:
It works with one admin, isn't it?
With more it doesn't work? -