Beiträge von deadcode
OK everyone if you have the same problem , here is the solution :
Its a newbie soultion , for thoese dont know anything about SQL or PHP , like me :rofl:Basically this happen when you set your | savestats = "sqlite" | in the config.cfg file , to save your stats
an error will apear cause you dont have the SQLite extension !! :omg:First : if you are a newbie like me then XAMPP will do nothing for ya it just got all the PHP files that needed, inculding the SQLite extension
Second : Although its not gonna do anything for ya, but you have to install it to get the files needed !!
Third : After you install it , simply go to the file directory (C:\Program Files\xampp) then look for PHP folder
Forth : When you find it just copy the file to where you located your start.bat fileEX: right click on the start.bat file
@echo off
c:\php\php.exe -f daemon.php -- -configdir "config" -logdir "log" goto 1
I have it on c:\php\ for example !!
The whole idea is to Replace your current PHP folder with the one that comes with XAMPP , cause it got all the needed files !!Get XAMPP from here : :clickme:
But we shouldn't give him too much work, he shouldn't be stressed
well said !!
OK i have installed XAMPP , which i have no idea what is it !!
and i have the shortcut on my desktop called : XAMPP Control Panel , i double click on it and a menu appear
i dont know what to do with it !! i have no clue whatsoever what is it !!Here is my mod log :
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: ==========================================
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: Manu-Admin-Mod v0.10.1 beta'
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: ==========================================
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: !! Please wait until the mod is completely initialised
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: Config loaded: config.cfg
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: Config loaded: maps.cfg
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: Config loaded: admins.cfg
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: Config loaded: groups.cfg
[28.09.09 15:53:28] Notice: Language files loaded: en
[28.09.09 09:53:28] Notice: All config files were parsed
[28.09.09 09:53:29] Notice: RCON connection established (
[28.09.09 09:53:30] Notice: Game detected: Call of Duty 4
[28.09.09 09:53:30] Notice: Dvar check successful
[28.09.09 09:53:31] Notice: Synced playerlist with 'status'
[28.09.09 09:53:32] Notice: Updated Dvar g_gametype
[28.09.09 09:53:32] Notice: Updated teamnames (usmc vs. arab)
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: Sets Dvar _manuadminmod to '0.10.1 beta'
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: == Loading plugins and commands ==
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading antiteamkiller.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading badwords.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading banner.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading basiccommands.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading funmessages.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading logkickbans.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading modstuff.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: Heartbeat has been sent to serverlist at Couldn't resolve hostname
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading nameprotection.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading pingkicker.php
[28.09.09 09:53:33] Notice: - Loading punkbuster.php
[28.09.09 09:53:34] Notice: - Loading randommapcycle.php
[28.09.09 09:53:34] Notice: Randommapcycle: Setting nextmap to mp_broadcast (war)
[28.09.09 09:53:36] Notice: Set Dvar sv_maprotationcurrent to 'gametype war mapmp_broadcast'
[28.09.09 09:53:36] Notice: - Loading spreemessages.php
[28.09.09 09:53:36] Notice: - Loading statistics.php
[28.09.09 09:53:36] !! Error: Statistics: SQLite extension for PHP is not installed! Please install the SQLite (v2.X) extension to use this feature 10s to quit
Fatal error: Call to undefined function socket_create() in D:\Call of Duty 4 - M
odern Warfare\adminmod\plugins\tcp_query.php on line 157
Then the mod restart and keep going over and over again restarting !!Here is my config.cfg file setting, i didn't edit anything :
enabled = 0
host = ""
port = 28960
user = ""
password = ""
passive = 0[tcp_query]
enabled = 1
ip = ""
port = 1337
logintimeout = 30
defaulaction = "say"
sayprefix = "^3TCP-Admin (<ADMIN>): ^7"
admingroups = "master,admin"
disallowedcommands = "vote,yes,no,stats,session"
maxconnections = 100[statistics_mysql]
host = "localhost"
user = "anonymous"
password = ""
database = "mamstats"
prefix = "mam01_"
im kinda newbie !! i just need the server to save the stats , previously i had a error called :
!! Error: Statistics: SQLite extension for PHP is not installed!
i said in it that the problem solved !! well ya it was solved by setting the
savestats = "0"
and now i thought that XAMPP who solved the problem , duh !! :haue:
so now i set the savestats = "1" , cause i need it to save the stats
and i get the same error : Error: Statistics: SQLite extension for PHP is not installed!
so what i have to do exactly to get the mod save the stats !!
and i already said that i installed "XAMPP" but i have no idea whatsoever what is it !!
any help would be much appreciated , and sorry for being noob and asking too many question you can remove the old post if this get solved !! -
Aliases do not work with this commands^^
The rcon commands work due an accident: there is also a normal command rcon... Only ones who have permission to execute rcon can use this aliases. But they're definately not made for rcon commands or things you like to do withokaaays
what about these questions :
2)) how i can get the time working on a 12-hours not 24-hour !! any ideas
3)) i want the admins to be still WARN but without a kick !! like warn them for bad words but dont kick them!!
4)) i cant understand how the badword file works ... how i can use the Reg-Expressions !! any help will be much appreciated !! -
Will ManuAdmin Mod work on Modern Warfare 2 !! ?? :censored:
what do you think guys ? !! :wacko: -
I would prefer a longer Waiting-Time after the Announcement, too.
its much better and way appreciated if he can do that !! :denken: -
Hilarous! :lol:
since we are all laughin :rofl: .. can i get answer for my questions !! :rof2l:
1)) when i type !disablevote ... it worked but the consol reply with a Empty msg
like :!disablevote
console: PM:i was wondering what i can do to let the console reply a msg instead of that empty one >> like The in-game vote system has been enabled
2)) how i can get the time working on a 12-hours not 24-hour !! any ideas
3)) i want the admins to be still WARN but without a kick !! like warn them for bad words but dont kick them!!
4)) i cant understand how the badword file works ... how i can use the Reg-Expressions !! any help will be much appreciated !! -
Just use punkbuster and the reasons will be shown
mmm, how i forgot that ... so stupid !! thx for the info
worked like a charmed
but don't ya think its better to wait a little bit before the kick !! -
well when someone enter the server with Admin name or a Bad name , it kicks him immediately:
it show a msg that the reason of the kick was a bad name but you can't actually see it,, it kicks you too fast , like too too fast you cant read anythingto fix that i guess there is 2 soulution :
First : show the reason not in the game , make it out of the game like when it kicks you shows "you have been kick by admin , Reason : use of bad name "Second : don't kick the player immediately wait like 1 minute and if he didn't change it . then kick'em !!
lool , sorry for being dump !!
ya in the aliases section and they worked just fine
but i was wondering ,, when i type !disablevote ... it worked but the consol reply with a Empty msg
like :!disablevote
console: PM:i was wondering what i can do to let the console reply a msg instead of that empty one >> like The in-game vote system has been enabled
i just add these line to my config file :
disablevote = "rcon g_allowvote 0" \\\ Disable the in-game original vote system when you type !disablevote
enablevote = "rcon g_allowvote 1" \\\ Enable the in-game original vote system when you type !enablevote
warninfo = "say ^7Every player got ^1(^33 ^7WARNING^1)^7 before he get temporary banned" \\\ !warninfo show the play thisi think they are useful don't ya ?
don't know .. but its waaaay much faster ... like wind
Hey i just have a few suggestion , they may sound nooby but i just thought they would be helpful
Ant-Camp System :
It would be nice if you can put an integrated Anti-Camp system in the mod , were it can Warn player that camp or stay for like 25 sec at the same place !!Language Finder :
In my server i have a rule which indicate that the Chat should be in English Only cause its a English Server , anyway i was wondering if there is away that the mod can detect of other languages are being used in the server .. like the basic ones !! lets say like | hi, whats up, bye , goodbye , etc .... thing like that Common things !! so the system can detect that this is not a English language and warn the playerDictionary System :
I think i mentioned this before but i didn't clearfy what is it , so basically its a system that will tell the player what this particular word means .... ex : !dic rofl | !dic lmao , etc .. so it will tell the player what this word mean
and make it a cfg file that will let you customize thw words to use just like the badword.cfg and the banner.cfg files !!lets see what you guys think ??
Thanks for the info
and the Translator is really suck !! xD -
First thanks manu for his wonderfull mode
Second : "Added: numering <TIME> for Funmessages"what is that ...
Third : "Improved: The mod should now respond faster to input "wooohaa .. its relly fast !! good job guys