Hey! I have enabled voting for maps. How can I set up vote to kick only to admin and not everyone?
Beiträge von surf3r
Hey, just remembered one more thing. We have a dozen of custom maps on the server. We would like to allow everyone to vote for the stock maps and that only selected players can vote for the custom maps (because we have to pay for redirect bandwith). Thanks for making such a useful tool. Regards
Hi! Our server is using time based map rotation. Sometimes players trie to start a vote almost at the end of a round and there isn't enough time to complete the vote process. (in our case it's vote to set the next map). For example in config.cfg under [voting], duration = 40 . So, if there is only 20 seconds left the vote won't be completed and that person will lose the opportunity to vote again (we have 1 vote per person). It would be better to send them PM, e.g. "The remaining match time is not enough to start the vote!" and to dissalow the vote in these occasions.
I have another great idea
Would it be possible to include the option to switch beetween regular and hardcore mode on each map rotation? One map regular, one map hc and so on.. MAM can already use exec "configfile" so it shouldn't be hard to acomplish.. I would put two config files in my /main folder.. "server.cfg" and "server_hc.cfg". And one other thing, is it possible to send private meesages without tcp interface ?
I managed to integrate necessary changes for vote setnextmap but I noticed one problem in code. It's from voting.php (MAM 0.11), function votePassed, case "setnextmap".
if (!$this->mod->rconSetNextMap($this->voteparameters, "sd", true))...
I think "sd" is wrong, maybe some variable "gametype" goes here ?
Also, it would be nice to see this message if vote passes (from main.lng): setNextMap = "^2Next map was set to ^7<MAP> (<GAMETYPE>)"
is it possible when tempban is used thath it reads "sv_kickBanTime" and converts it to minutes (or if not, maybe manually enter the same value in config.cfg) so that there is no blank space where time (minutes) should come as in this log. I think it's the same when you manually issue tempban command.. It doesn't acknowledge what's the duration...
199:19 [17.02.10 16:42:54] Notice: AntiAimbot: Player 'EvoLuTiOn !' got a tempban (Kills 10/torso_lower 9), PID: 10, GUID:xxxxx,
199:19 [17.02.10 16:42:56] Notice: Player 'EvoLuTiOn !' got temporarily banned for minutes (by: MOD), reason: We don't tolerate cheaters, PID: 10, GUIDxxxxx: -
You were right, the the voting interval is noted from the start of the vote. My mistake..
Hi, I noticed that MAM 0.11 has the option to enable voting to set the next map. I would like to include this feature in my version of MAM which is 0.10.
I can't make complete udate to 0.11 as my provider enabled version 0.10 to install from web interface. What changes are necessary for this to work? I suppose I need to replace voting.php with new one, something else?
Also, I wonder if there is the option to vote for the next gametype? The change should take places after the round finishes... If not, I would find it very useful as I think it s better not to interrupt the round in progress...
One more question. Is there a way to modify time each time I use command "temban <name> <time> <reason>" or it deafults to one predefined time as set in server.cfg ('sv_kickbantime set = 3600' )? Is that option "sv_kickbantime" the same as "maxtempbantime" in config.cfg ? Btw, pb is turned off for bans and kicks.
Can you explain me is the number "interval", in vote configuration calaculated from the time the voting has started or from the time the voting finished?
Hi! I noticed there is a problem with vote process in a way that it can be interrupted by entering new !vote command before previous voting was completed. That is especially annoying with vote kicking or banning. For example, I start !vote kick <cheater> but before vote finishes he starts !vote kick <some other player> and so disables us to kick him. Maybe you could implement adequate modification in future release? Thanks.