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Beiträge von Geventh
Benutzt du Promod live?
Geventh -
Am Besten löscht du alle Log-Dateien und startest den Game server neu wie auch MAM.
Hoffe es klappt dann.Geventh
Kann es sein das zwei/mehere Server die gleiche Log-Datei benutzen? zB. games_mp1.log
Geventh -
Die Stats werden ja nur vom Root-Server gelesen und auf der Webpage dargestellt.
Und wie jetzt: iNoob, wo werden deine Stats abgespeichert? (Gameserver / Webspace)Geventh
Natürlich musst du dann nicht localhost schreiben.
Normalerweise ist es die ip.
Dann noch die Daten aus der config.cfg Datei.Danke für den Vorschlag Silva202: Gute Idee
10 gigabytes of storage space included!
Unlimited Traffic
PHP 5 / FTP / MySQL 5
Premium Support & large communityAlso PHP 5 sollte dabei sein...
Jetzt lädst du alle Dateien auf dein Webspace und bearbeitest die Config.php Datei. Öffne sie mit Editor..
Alles anzeigendefine("DB_SERVER","localhost"); // e.g.: define("DB_SERVER","localhost"); --> Server-Ip/Domain-Name define("DB_USER","root"); // e.g.: define("DB_USER","root"); --> MySQL-Username define("DB_PASSWORD",""); // e.g.: define("DB_PASSWORD","abc123"); --> MySQL-Password define("DB_NAME","mamstats"); // e.g.: define("DB_NAME","mamstats"); --> MySQL-Database-Name define("TBL_NICKS","mam01_nicks"); // e.g.: define("TBL_NICKS","mam01_nicks"); --> MySQL-Table 'NICKS' define("TBL_USER","mam01_user"); // e.g.: define("TBL_NICKS","mam01_user"); --> MySQL-Table 'USER'
Hast du ein Webspace, wo PHP läuft? (Kann auch auf dem Gameserver sein)
Was hast du alles in der config.cfg Datei unter [statistics] und [statistics_mysql] geschrieben? (Bitte keine Passwörter ^^)
Funktioniert !stats, gibt es irgendwelche Probleme beim starten des Mods?Geventh
Sorry I don't understand you....
Where are you come from? -
Hi, Try this one:
Alles anzeigen$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "registered_main"); $mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "enabled", 1); $mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "kickreason", "->KICK_REASON<-"); //add KICK Reason here or make an config file $file = $configdir . "plugins/whitelist.lst"; // path to your file, place it in your configfolder into folder plugins $results = explode(",", file_get_contents($file)); $whitelist = array(); foreach($results as $result) { $whitelist[] = trim($result); } function registered_main($guid) { global $mod, $players,$whitelist; if($mod->getCV("registered", "enabled") == 0) { return; } if (!in_array($guid, $whitelist)) { $players[$guid]->kick($mod->getCV("registered", "kickreason")); } }
Alles anzeigen$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "registered_main"); $mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "enabled", 1); $mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "kickreason", "Molimo registrajte se na www.h8breed.com"); $file = $configdir . "plugins/whitelist.lst"; // path to your file, place it in your configfolder into folder plugins $results = explode(",", file_get_contents($file)); $whitelist = array(); foreach($results as $result) { $whitelist[] = trim($result); } function registered_main($guid) { global $mod, $players; $usersreg = array("guid","guid","guid"); if($mod->getCV("registered", "enabled") == 0) { return; } if (!in_array($guid, $whitelist)) { $players[$guid]->kick($mod->getCV("registered", "kickreason")); } }
And who add the GUIDs?
The mod? Then how?
You yourself? -
You have to restart the mod when you change/add php code!!
Just replace this code:
Alles anzeigenpublic function online($guid, $parameters) { $admins = $this->mod->getAdmins(); $online = array(); $results = explode("," , $this->mod->getCV("main", "onlineshowngroups")); $onlineshowngroups = array(); foreach($results as $result) { $onlineshowngroups[] = trim($result); } foreach ($admins as $adminguid => $admin) { if (array_key_exists($adminguid, $this->players) && in_array($this->players[$adminguid]->getGroup(), $onlineshowngroups)) { $online[] = array( "nick" => $this->players[$adminguid]->getName(), "group" => $this->players[$adminguid]->getGroup() ); } } $str = $this->mod->getLngString("onlineadmins") . " "; if (count($online) > 0) { foreach ($online as $admin) { $str .= "^2" . $admin["nick"] . " ^1(" . $this->mod->getLongGroupName($admin["group"]) . ")^7, "; } $str = substr($str, 0, -4); } else { $str .= $this->mod->getLngString("onlineAdminsNone"); } $this->players[$guid]->say($str); }
What do you exactly want to log?Geveth
Cleaned version:PHP
Alles anzeigen$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "registered_main"); $mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "enabled", 1); $mod->setDefaultCV("registered", "kickreason", "Molimo registrajte se na www.h8breed.com"); function registered_main($guid) { global $mod, $players; $usersreg = array("guid","guid","guid"); if($mod->getCV("registered", "enabled") == 0) { return; } if (!in_array($guid, $usersreg)) { $players[$guid]->kick($mod->getCV("registered", "kickreason")); } }
Can you show me a screenshot or the logs?
Perhabs some stupid mistakes from my side....Geventh
hmm you have added all groups?
You should only add those groups you wish to see in the list.
Can you show me a screenshot?
The changelog is only in german at the moment: click hereedit my fault:
Alles anzeigenpublic function online($guid, $parameters) { $admins = $this->mod->getAdmins(); $online = array(); //add those lines --> $results = explode("," , $this->mod->getCV("main", "onlineshowngroups")); $onlineshowngroups = array(); foreach($results as $result) { $onlineshowngroups[] = trim($result); } // <-- foreach ($admins as $adminguid => $admin) { $playergroup = $this->players[$adminguid]->getGroup(); // add this line here if (array_key_exists($adminguid, $this->players) && in_array($playergroup, $onlineshowngroups)) { // change this line $online[] = array( "nick" => $this->players[$adminguid]->getName(), "group" => $playergroup // change this line ); } } $str = $this->mod->getLngString("onlineadmins") . " "; if (count($online) > 0) { foreach ($online as $admin) { $str .= "^2" . $admin["nick"] . " ^1(" . $this->mod->getLongGroupName($admin["group"]) . ")^7, "; } $str = substr($str, 0, -4); } else { $str .= $this->mod->getLngString("onlineAdminsNone"); } $this->players[$guid]->say($str); }
Ok, In v0.12 this public function will look different, so beware of that.
It seems to look like what you wished.
I think you have to edit the config file where you have to put the groups in.Changelog from v12.0 BETA:
The code may look like that:
In the config.cfg file -> under section [main] (first section) --> add at the end the line:
The PHP code:
Alles anzeigenpublic function online($guid, $parameters) { $admins = $this->mod->getAdmins(); $online = array(); //add those lines --> $results = explode("," , $this->mod->getCV("main", "onlineshowngroups")); $onlineshowngroups = array(); foreach($results as $result) { $onlineshowngroups[] = trim($result); } $playergroup = $this->players[$adminguid]->getGroup(); // <-- foreach ($admins as $adminguid => $admin) { if (array_key_exists($adminguid, $this->players) && in_array($playergroup, $onlineshowngroups)) { // change this line $online[] = array( "nick" => $this->players[$adminguid]->getName(), "group" => $playergroup // change this line ); } } $str = $this->mod->getLngString("onlineadmins") . " "; if (count($online) > 0) { foreach ($online as $admin) { $str .= "^2" . $admin["nick"] . " ^1(" . $this->mod->getLongGroupName($admin["group"]) . ")^7, "; } $str = substr($str, 0, -4); } else { $str .= $this->mod->getLngString("onlineAdminsNone"); } $this->players[$guid]->say($str); }
Can you try that out?