download the ultraedit from
and open the php file and "Save as"
And it shows you something options
Click on "Format" and select the "UTF-8 - NO BOM"
and then "Save"
thats all
download the ultraedit from
and open the php file and "Save as"
And it shows you something options
Click on "Format" and select the "UTF-8 - NO BOM"
and then "Save"
thats all
I Have download the notepad++ and ultraedit
and i have convert the php file...but i have again same error...
EDIT: FIXED ....thanks guys
$mysqlhost <= "localhost"; // Host des MySQL-Servers - Host of you MySQL-Server
$mysqluser <= "root"; // Benutzername des MySQL-Servers - Loginname for the MySQL-Server
$mysqlpasswd <= "root"; // Passwort des MySQL-Servers - Password for the MySQL-Server
$mysqldbname <= "cod4"; // Datenbank des MySQL-Servers - Database of the MySQL-Server
$ip <= ""; // IP deines Gameservers - Your gameserver's ip-adress
$port <= "28960"; // Port deines Gameservers - You gameserver's port
$timeout <= 0.5; // Maximale Verbindungzeit zum Gameserver in Sekunden - Maximum connection time to the gameserver
$bildname <= "Signatur.png"; // Hintergrund-Bild - Background-Image
$font_file <= "./bankgthd.ttf"; // Sonstige Schriftart - Other font
$font_file2 <= "./Battlev2bi.ttf"; // Überschrift (Nick) Schriftart - headline (nickname) font
I have already edit this but the error is again