I don't understand why this error still appears,SQLITE extension for PHP is not installed sqlite <v2x>
I installed XAMPP latest version 1.8.1 and still stil crap error shows anyone can help?
Beiträge von tiflinder
Has the 0.11.4 have anything special for Call of Duty 4?
Thanks -
I forgot how must the start.bat look like lol
can u say again
million thx:lol:
i used set logfile "1" and then it worked perfectly!!
love you!! :)) -
yeah..a sniper mod...
must do something different? -
I used this logfile address but seems that it doesn't work why?!
"D:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare/main/games_mp.log"
I looked over the forums and you said it's maybe a logsync problem I followed your instructions but still failed.
isn't that logfile good? and if it isn't ...what must i put then
and if it is good...then what's the problem -
"D:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare/main/games_mp.log"
This is what i use
why isn't it good? -
I can't get my manu to work 100%...
start.bat works and banner appears in-game and all the messages like ''have fun play fair" visit our website etc.
but it won't show when ppls connect like me master admin and commands don't work
if i do !help or !kick etc. nothing will happen...
plz help -
SQlite error it says expansion of SQlite to PHP isn't installed.
What must I do? :omg: :omg:
// Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Dedicated Server Config File
// Autor:
// Website:
// Datum: Nov, 2007
// Config-Typ: standard mode, ranked
// Version: 0.9 BETA
// Server Information
sets sv_hostname ""
sets _Admin ""
sets _Email ""
sets _Website ""
sets _Location ""
sets _Irc ""
sets _Mod ""
sets _ModVer ""
sets _ModUpdate ""
sets _Maps ""
set scr_motd ""//=================================================================================
// General Settings
//=================================================================================// Log Settings
set g_logsync "1" // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append
set logfile "1" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled
set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log
set sv_log_damage "1"// Network options
set net_ip "localhost" // Set your servers IP address
set net_port "28960" // Set your port number
set com_hunkMegs "512"
set net_noipx "1" // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications// Server Network Mode
set dedicated "2" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet// Master servers
set sv_master1 "cod4master.activision.com"
set sv_master2 "cod4authorize.activision.com"
set sv_master3 "cod4master.infinityward.com"
set sv_master3 "cod4update.activision.com"
set sv_master4 "master.gamespy.com:28960"
set sv_master5 "master0.gamespy.com"
set sv_master6 "master1.gamespy.com"
set sv_master7 "clanservers.net"
set sv_gamespy "1"// Password Settings
set rcon_password "" // RCON must supply pw to use
set sv_privatePassword "" // Private slots, non-public slots
set g_password "" //Server password// Player slots setup
set sv_maxclients "32" // MAX server player slots, this is TOTAL player slots
set sv_privateclients "3" // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots// Ping
set sv_minPing "0" // MIN player ping on CONNECT, any lower and player isnt allowed to connect
set sv_maxping "400" // MAX player ping on CONNECT, any higher and player isnt allowed to connect// Client Download Settings (0=off/1=on)
set sv_allowdownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "0"
//seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1"// Rate
set sv_maxRate "5000"// FPS
//set sv_fps "40"// Drop inactive players
set sv_timeout "300"
set sv_zombietime "1"
set g_inactivity "0"
set g_inactivityspectator "0"// AntiFlooding Settings
set sv_floodProtect "1"
set sv_reconnectlimit "3"// Anti Cheat Settings
set sv_disableClientConsole "0"
set cl_autocmd "0"
set sv_cheats "0"
set sv_pure "1"
set g_banIPs ""
set g_no_script_spam "1"
set sv_punkbuster "1"// Temporary Ban duration, in seconds
set sv_kickBanTime "3600"// In-game voice communication system
set sv_voice "0"
set sv_voiceQuality "1"
set voice_deadChat "0"
set voice_global "0"
set voice_localEcho "0"
set winvoice_mic_mute "1"// Team-Balance and Voting
set scr_teambalance "1"
set g_allowvote "0"//=================================================================================
// Other Gameplay Settings
//=================================================================================// General
set scr_game_allowkillcam 1
set scr_game_onlyheadshots 0
set scr_game_deathpointloss 0
set scr_game_suicidepointloss 0
set scr_team_teamkillpointloss 1
set scr_game_spectatetype 2 // (0-2) Disabled, Team/Players Only, Free
set scr_game_forceuav 0
set scr_game_hardpoints 1 // (0-1) i.e. artillery, uav, helicopter// Hardpoints
set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery 1
set scr_hardpoint_allowuav 1
set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter 1// Teams
set scr_team_fftype 0 // (0-3) Disabled, Enabled, Reflect, Shared
set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay 20
set scr_team_kickteamkillers 3// Player
set scr_player_maxhealth 100
set scr_player_suicidespawndelay 0
set scr_player_healthregentime 5
set scr_player_forcerespawn 1
set scr_player_sprinttime 9// UI
set scr_hardcore 1
set scr_oldschool_mw 0
set ui_hud_obituaries 1
set ui_hud_showobjicons 1//=================================================================================
// Other Settings
//=================================================================================set sv_allowAnonymous "0"
set g_antilag "0"
set g_compassShowEnemies "0"
//ui_maxclients 32//=================================================================================
// Gametype Settings
//=================================================================================// First gametype to load...
// "dm" - free for all deathmatch
// "war" - team deathmatch
// "war" - team deathmatch
// "war" - team deathmatch
// "dm" - free for all deathmatch
// "dom" - domination
// "koth" - headquarters
// "sab" - sabotage
// "sd" - search & destroy
// "war" - team deathmatchset g_gametype "dm"
set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_killhouse gametype dm map mp_showdown gametype dm map mp_broadcast gametype dm map mp_backlot gametype dm map mp_bog gametype dm map mp_cargoship gametype dm map mp_countdown gametype dm map mp_crash_snow gametype dm map mp_crossfire gametype dm map mp_farm gametype dm map mp_crash_snow gametype dm map mp_overgrown gametype dm map mp_pipeline gametype dm map mp_shipment gametype dm map mp_strike gametype dm map mp_vacant"PS: I CUT A PART BECAUSE IT WAS TOO LONG but as you can see ''set g_logsync "1" but start.bat stills says i got 0
I have:
{// Search & Destroy
setDvar("scr_sd_roundlimit", "24");
setDvar("scr_sd_roundswitch", "12");
setDvar("scr_sd_scorelimit", "0");// Team Deathmatch
setDvar("scr_war_numlives", "0");
setDvar("scr_war_playerrespawndelay", "0");
setDvar("scr_war_roundlimit", "1");
setDvar("scr_war_scorelimit", "0");
setDvar("scr_war_timelimit", "33");
setDvar("scr_war_waverespawndelay", "0");// Friendly Fire
setDvar("scr_team_fftype", "0");// Respawn
setDvar("scr_player_forcerespawn", "1");
setDvar("scr_player_respawndelay", "0");// Game Timers
setDvar("scr_game_graceperiod", "5");
setDvar("scr_game_matchstarttime", "10");
setDvar("scr_game_playerwaittime", "15");// Classes
// Assault Class Options
setDvar("allies_allow_assault", "1");
setDvar("axis_allow_assault", "1");setDvar("class_assault_allowdrop", "1");
setDvar("class_assault_camo", "camo_none");
setDvar("class_assault_frags", "0");
setDvar("class_assault_grenade", "none");
setDvar("class_assault_limit", "64");
setDvar("class_assault_primary", "ak47");
setDvar("class_assault_primary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_assault_secondary", "deserteagle");
setDvar("class_assault_secondary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_assault_special", "1");// Weapons
setDvar("weap_allow_ak47", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_g3", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_g36c", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_m14", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_m16", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_m4", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_mp44", "1");// Attachments
setDvar("attach_allow_assault_silencer", "1");
// Demolitions Class Options
setDvar("allies_allow_demolitions", "1");
setDvar("axis_allow_demolitions", "1");setDvar("class_demolitions_allowdrop", "0");
setDvar("class_demolitions_camo", "camo_none");
setDvar("class_demolitions_frags", "0");
setDvar("class_demolitions_grenade", "none");
setDvar("class_demolitions_limit", "1");
setDvar("class_demolitions_primary", "winchester1200");
setDvar("class_demolitions_primary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_demolitions_secondary", "deserteagle");
setDvar("class_demolitions_secondary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_demolitions_special", "1");// Weapons
setDvar("weap_allow_m1014", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_winchester1200", "1");// Sniper Class Options
setDvar("allies_allow_sniper", "1");
setDvar("axis_allow_sniper", "1");setDvar("class_sniper_allowdrop", "0");
setDvar("class_sniper_camo", "camo_none");
setDvar("class_sniper_frags", "0");
setDvar("class_sniper_grenade", "none");
setDvar("class_sniper_limit", "1");
setDvar("class_sniper_primary", "m40a3");
setDvar("class_sniper_primary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_sniper_secondary", "deserteagle");
setDvar("class_sniper_secondary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_sniper_special", "1");// Weapons
setDvar("weap_allow_m40a3", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_remington700", "1");// Attachments
setDvar("attach_allow_sniper_none", "1");////////////////////////////////////////////
// SpecOps Class Options
setDvar("allies_allow_specops", "1");
setDvar("axis_allow_specops", "1");setDvar("class_specops_allowdrop", "1");
setDvar("class_specops_camo", "camo_none");
setDvar("class_specops_frags", "0");
setDvar("class_specops_grenade", "none");
setDvar("class_specops_limit", "64");
setDvar("class_specops_primary", "ak74u");
setDvar("class_specops_primary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_specops_secondary", "deserteagle");
setDvar("class_specops_secondary_attachment", "none");
setDvar("class_specops_special", "1");// Weapons
setDvar("weap_allow_ak74u", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_mp5", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_uzi", "1");// Attachments
setDvar("attach_allow_smg_none", "1");
setDvar("attach_allow_smg_silencer", "1");////////////////////////////////////////////
// Other Weapons// Pistols
setDvar("weap_allow_beretta", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_colt45", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_deserteagle", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_deserteaglegold", "1");
setDvar("weap_allow_usp", "1");
// Attachments
setDvar("attach_allow_pistol_none", "1");
setDvar("attach_allow_pistol_silencer", "1");// Other nades
setDvar("weap_allow_flash_grenade", "0");
setDvar("weap_allow_frag_grenade", "0");
setDvar("weap_allow_smoke_grenade", "0");// Smoke
setDvar("scr_weapon_allowsmoke", "1");// Logging
setDvar("logfile", "1");
setDvar("g_log", "games_mp.log");
setDvar("g_logSync", "1");
setDvar("loc_warnings", "0");// Voting
setDvar("g_allowVote", "0");
setDvar("g_voteAbstainWeight", "0.5");
setDvar("g_oldVoting", "1"); // Unknown what it does, but obviously goes here// Anti-Lag efforts
setDvar("g_antilag", "0"); // in testing
setDvar("g_smoothClients", "1");// Other
setDvar("sv_fps", "30"); // in testing
setDvar("scr_teambalance", "0");
setDvar("scr_game_allowkillcam", "0");
setDvar("public_mode", "1" );
}I changed it to 1,but it still says I got it set to 0..must i copy this somewhere?
Hi,I am having this error when I start bat.bat:
dvar ''g_logsync'' must be greater or equal to 1,current:0How to change it to 1?