Solved. I put in config.cfg: savestats = "sqlite"
Then i deleted php, and now i use php installed with xampp.
Setted it for mam, works fine.
Beiträge von ChildCookies
mysql extesnion for php?
If yes, how do i check? -
.. I didn't understand, i'm a noob x) sorry.
I have 2 php: 1 installed by me - 1 installed by xampp
what do you mean for "1 php for mam 1 php for mysql"? -
I don't use php installed in xampp. I use another. Does it change something?
(php i use is: version 5.3)
Ok, thanks. I replaced the "1" with "mysql". I run start.bat but it does the error: Mysql extension for PHP isn't installed.. blabla
How to fix it? (PS: XAMPP with MySQL enabled was running)
You are probably thinking:
"He forgot to install XAMPP or SQlite.."
My Manuadminmod hasn't any problems. It works fine but it doesn't save stats. In start.bat: no errors.
But in-game if i do !stats it says my stats only of that game, not saved so.
I have XAMPP and I created a database named mamstats as in config.cfg. Then in config.cfg there's the password to access xampp (correct password, i checked).
Any idea?I have a supposition, tell me if it's right: Do I need to create a file for stats and upload it in the database?
PS: I don't know if it's the right section to post this.
Oh, ok. Thanks
I was wondering:
Is there a way to make the mod save the rounds?
I mean can the mod save and with a command say who won the last round?
Reply, please. -
I know xD but i'm asking how to fix it. Please reply
Spoiler anzeigen
I know there's a thread about this issue (at this link:, but it didn't helped me. If i have to do a post in that thread let me know and i'll close this.
I noticed that when you use command !ff to verify the friendly fire type, console message is: FIENDLY fire is...
I wanna know how to change that "Fiendly" with Friendly, to fix it. I have read i have to use !setff and for help !help setff but it doesn't work for me. I tried to use !setff and it sets friendly fire type (1 = enabled, etc..) and !help setff doesn't work.
Help me. -
Is there a way to make the welcome message change?
I mean:
When a player come in the server a welcome message appears, no?
So i ask if I can change the welcome message but only for specific players. Can I?
(If there's a way to change it and i didn't found it, sorry because i'm new here i'm noobish)
Thanks in advance. :denken: -
Thanks all, now my MAM is fully working, i solved my problems.
Ok, i did it.
Now it detects CoD4 but there are other errors.
Help me again xD please.
Screen: -
This is my problem:
I host CoD4 server, open start.bat and it says:
Unkown game detected.
Please help me.