try this:
yum install php-sqlite
(without the 5 behind php)
That didn't work either
Any ideas on how to install this extension?
try this:
yum install php-sqlite
(without the 5 behind php)
That didn't work either
Any ideas on how to install this extension?
Hey Guys,
I get this error: !! Error: Statistics: SQLite extension for PHP is not installed! Please install the SQLite (v2.X) extension to use this feature 10s to quit
while trying to install the mod on my CentOS Dedicated Server. I have installed php5-sqlite as you can see:
yum install sqlite php5-sqlite
Setting up Install Process
base | 3.7 kB 00:00
centosplus | 3.5 kB 00:00
extras | 3.5 kB 00:00
rpmforge | 1.1 kB 00:00
rpmforge/primary | 4.0 MB 00:01
rpmforge 11059/11059
updates | 3.5 kB 00:00
updates/primary_db | 1.8 MB 00:00
Setting up Install Process
Package sqlite-3.6.20-1.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version
No package php5-sqlite available.
Nothing to do
Am I am still getting the error any ideas?
I saw that you had to add: to the end of php.ini. I added this to /etc/php.ini and restarted using this: service httpd restart but still no hope
Hope you guys can help
Hey Man!
Thanks for the update Any chance of some code to allow the viewing of the database from a webpage including the BanID, Nickname, Admin who Banned (preferably nickname but GUID if that isnt possilbe) , IP Address, Timesatmp and Reason. Something like this: This is for another addon but something along those lines.
One more thing is it possible to have more than 1 server banning to same database?
Hey Guys,
This is my idea on this plugin:
Have !banip as currently but like silva said have it save to a database (mysql maybe?). In this database have the following fields: Ban ID (This is an ID Number that is created at the time of the ban), In-game name, Reason, Person who banned, IP.
Then the !unban command can use the Ban ID number to remove that person e.g. !unban 123.
Also a script for displaying this info on a webpage would be rather easy using php and the table names etc. so maybe include that as well
Contact me on xfire: jimmyroots so maybe we can discuss this more. I would love to help as much as possible to
Hey Guys,
I would like to make a request to someone to make a Anti Rcon Flooder. For those who don't know what this is it is where a hacker enters the server and repeatedly tries to login to Rcon with the wrong password. This eventually 'crashes' rcon as such and stops admins entering the server and hence the MAM stops working.
I would love it if someone could help
P.S. This is for Linux
I think that IP banning should be both individual and ranges. This means that you can ban a hacker by individual IP and if he keeps coming back then ban the range. If others that play on your servers are also in that range you can always unban that individual Ip anyway so this would be an effective way.
Some providers yes IP is changed everyday. Maybe in America it is like that but in some others it isn't xD.
Ip doesn't change every day just when you turn off the router. Anyway it would be useful t have this anyway
As it is also easy to change your key as some people have a variety of original keys and as they are banned on one they change servers to one of the others/change key to different original and come back on. But if there was a ban ip very few people actually know how to change ip as I am using it like that on my servers using another admin mod and seems to work very well.
Can you IP ban rather than Key ban on the Manu Admin mod. Or is there a plugin that allows this?