Ah also der Mod macht sich dann selbst "Platz" ?
Und wenn ich jetzt zB eine Website muss ich dann einen vServer erstellen wenn nein wann braucht man einen vServer?
Bin ein learning by doing typ
Ah also der Mod macht sich dann selbst "Platz" ?
Und wenn ich jetzt zB eine Website muss ich dann einen vServer erstellen wenn nein wann braucht man einen vServer?
Bin ein learning by doing typ
Also das spricht ja stark für hetzner
Aber da ich noch ein root noob bin (habe erfahrung von NAS + Gameservern) ob dann Hetzner immernoch die richtige Wahl ist...
Und wenn ich jetzt zB einen Root habe und und 3 Cod server möchte. Dann müsste ich doch 3 virtuelle erstellen oder versteh ich was falsch?
Grüyse von Grichenland
Ja post es mal hier. Meine Antwort könnte dann ein bisschen später oommen, da ich in den ferien bin...
Hallo Leute
Da ich jetzt endgültig die Nase voll habe von Nitrado den billig Hoster suche ich jetzt einen neuen.
Aber dazu habe ich paar Fragen:
1. Welche Hoster könnt ihr mir empfehlen und ist Hetzner gut?
2. Was muss ein server so haben um Cod4 gut laufen zu lassen?
3. Kann man auf einem Root Server mehr als 3 Cod4 server laufen lassen?
Lg In0cenT
Brox so sieht man sich wieder
Bin helpmyself, der dir Nitrado nicht empfiehlt
Die sind so feige, die geben einem nciht mal das Restguthaben zurück...
Ehm eine dumme frage: Wie aktiviert man den Mod IG?
!only ?
Ah ups hier kann man das ja o_O
In den anderen Foren wo ich unterwegs bin gibts es da ned^^
Alles im Anhang:
Wenn was fehlt melden pls
Und danke an alle!
Ja aber eigentlich will ich manchmal auch Promod spielen können und das hin und her switchen würde mich ankotzen...
@Liner Du hast dann ne PN von mir mit allen cfg, da hier ja nicht alles reinpasst -.-
Ah danke viel mals!
Kann es grad end testen, aber stimmen meien configs so?
ip = ""
port = 28960
logfile = "../main/games_mp.log"
rconpassword = ""
timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
prefix = "!"
language = "de"
antispam = 1
logrcon = 0
antistartupbug = "restart"
fixguidrelax = 1
pmprefix = "^1PM: ^2"
responsefailcmds = 1
defaultkickreason = "Du wurdest vom dmin-Team gekickt"
defaultbanreason = "Du wurdest vom Admin-Team gebannt"
usepb = 0
pbtempbanduration = 5
announce = 1
maxtempbantime = 500
enabled = 1
master = "^1Achtung: <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 kommt jetzt auch dazu!"
admin = "^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 kommt dazu!"
member = "^2Willkommen <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 viel spaß beim Sterben"
user = "^2HI <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 ^1 hab Spaß"
default = "Hallo"
whisper = 0
enabled = 0
time = 120
enabled = 1
time = 30
enabled = 1
maps = "mp_backlot,mp_bog,mp_cargoship,mp_citystreets,mp_convoy,mp_countdown,mp_crash,mp_crash_snow,mp_crossfire,mp_overgrown,mp_pipeline,mp_strike,mp_vacant,mp_broadcast,mp_carentan,mp_creek"
gametypes = "sd,war"
notlastmaps = 5
notlastgt = 0
enabled = 0
warnstokick = 1
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "Use of bad words"
enabled = 1
warnstokick = 3
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "^1Alter hör auf mich!!!"
enabled = 0
maxping = 500
checkinterval = 30
warnstokick = 3
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "Your ping is too high"
enabled = 1
badnamekick = 0
badnamekickmode = "kick"
badnamekickreason = "Your name contains an illegal part: <PART>"
adminnamekick = 1
adminnamekickmode = "kick"
adminnamekickreason = "Your name is an admins name"
maxnamechanges = 9
maxnamechangeskickmode = "tempban"
maxnamechangeskickreason = "Max. namechanges reached"
uppercasedisallow = 1
uppercasekickreason = "Please do not use only upper case letters in your nickname"
uppercasekickmode = "kick"
checkforupdates = 1
checkinterval = 6
announceinterval = 5
serverlist = 1
serverlistip = ""
pbsay = "pb_sv_say -1 <ARG>"
kickme = "pb_sv_kick <PLAYER:PBID> 0 <ARG:OPT:You kicked yourself>"
payback = "pb_sv_kick <LAST_KILLER:PBID> 0 ^1NEVER KILL AN ADMIN!"
enabled = 1
firstblood = 1
killsprees = 1
deathsprees = 1
spreeendsfrom = 5
multikills = 1
spreeends = 1
firstblood = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1macht den ersten ^2Kill!"
multikill = "^7!! ^1Multikill ^7> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 < ^1Multikill^7 !!"
monsterkill = "^2!!!! ^1Spakko >>> ^2<PLAYER_NAME> <<< ^2 macht einen MONSTER KILL ^7!!!!"
end_kill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^3'stirbt mit einer Abschussseire von (^3<KILLS> ^2kills). Er wurde zum Glück von ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1 getötet!"
end_teamkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1 stirbt mit einer Abschussseire von (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by TEAMMATE ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_selfkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's begeht selbstmord mit(^2<KILLS> ^1kills)”
3 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3hat eine ^2drohne(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
5 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3hat einen ^2Luftangriff!(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
7 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3hat einen ^2heli! ^1 RETTET SICH WER KANN!!!(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 ist nicht ^2aufzuhalten !(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
13 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 killt wie ^2ein Meister!(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
16 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 killt wie ^2ein Halbgott(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
17 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 killt wie ^2Gott!!!^1GODMODE ON? (^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod!)"
18 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 killt wie ^2Budda!!!(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
19 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 killt wie ^2 Harry Potter!!!(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
20 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^3 killt wie ^2 … Ach stirb einfach!!!(^7<KILLS> ^5kills ohne tod)"
-10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1really gets his ^3ass kicked!^1 Oh well, ^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths without a ^2kill^1..."
enabled = 0
type = 1
mapcount = 3
duration = 620
announce = 90
maps = "<maps.cfg>"
gametypes = "sd,war,dm,sab,koth"
notlastmaps = 0
notlastgt = 0
votestoskip = "50%"
enabled = 1
weapons = "gl,frag_grenade_short,rpg,saw,rpd,m60e4,ak47,g36c,g3,m14,m16,m4,mp44,mp5,skorpion,uzi,ak74u,p90,m1014,winchester1200,m21,dragunov,barret,beretta,usp,colt45,deserteagle,deserteaglegold,flash,frag,concussion,claymore,c4"
warnstokick = 2
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "^1Only Sniper!"
statsstring = "^2Kills: <KILLS> ^1Tode: <DEATHS> ^3Kill/Death: <KPD> ^2Spielzeit: <ONLINETIME> min ^3Kills/Minuten: <KPM> ^2HS: <HEADSHOTS> ^7TKs: <TEAMKILLS>"
whisperstats = 0
savestats = "mysql"
enabled = 0
min = -3
start = 0
warn = 3
kick = 4
teamkill = 1
kill = 0.1
mode = "tempban"
kickreason = "Made too many teamkills"
forgive = 1
forgivetime = 30
forgivepoints = 0.5
k = "kick"
m = "setnextmap"
b = "ban"
rm = "quitmod"
mr = "quitmod"
setlevel = "setgroup"
admincheck = "checkadmin"
owned = "fun owned"
pwned = "fun owned"
killed = "fun killed"
bye = "fun bye"
pizza = "fun pizza"
beer = "fun beer"
coke = "fun coke"
whoiam = "fun whoiam"
camper = "fun camper"
fuck = "fun fuck"
groups = "setgroup listgroups dummy"
f = "forgive"
y = "yes"
n = "no"
j = "yes"
ja = "yes"
nein = "no"
votekick = "vote kick"
votemap = "vote setnextmap"
voteban = "vote ban"
banlist = "pbbanlist"
unban = "pbunban"
godmode = "fun godmode"
aimbot = "fun aimbot"
sex = "fun sex"
kamikaze = "fun kamikaze"
death = "fun death"
bigadmin = "fun bigadmin"
off = "readconfig off"
on = "readconfig"
only = "readconfig only"
enabled = 1
killed = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1wwurde von ^7<PLAYER_LASTKILLER> ^1mit einer ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONDEATH>"
owned = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1killt ^7<PLAYER_LASTVICTIM> ^1mit einer ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONKILL>"
bye = "^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 waves his hand to say ^1GOOD BYE^2. We surely meet later!"
pizza = "^2Someone calls Mario and he brings ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 a hot pepperoni pizza!"
beer = "^2A nice sexy waitress brings ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 a nice pint of beer!"
coke = "^2Ah... A delicious glass of cold Coca Cola[tm] (*thinks ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 while he's drinking*)"
whoiam = "^2My name is ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2, I'm in the team ^7<PLAYER_TEAM>^2 with a ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONKILL>^2 and have ^7<PLAYER_KILLS>^2 Kills"
godmode = "^1GODMODE^2 is now enabled for player ^7<PLAYER_NAME>"
aimbot = "^3<PLAYER_NAME> ^2turned on his ^1AIM-BOT!"
sex = "^2SEX is not the answer. SEX is the question and ^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is the answer!!"
kamikaze = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^2is desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
death = "^2Hello ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2, this is ^7Death. ^2Please answer when you're ready."
bigadmin = "^1Ooooooh, ^3Big Admin is watching ^1YOU!"
fuck = "^1 Fuck fuck^2ing mother^1fuck , FUCK ^2 you
camper = "Wo ist dein Campingwagen <PLAYER_LASTKILLER> für deine <PLAYER_LASTWEAPONDEATH>^1?^2?^3?
enabled = 1
duration = 45
interval = 120
annouce = 15
minplayers = 1
maxvotesperplayer = 222
timelimit = 0
ignoremapchange = 0
allowkick = 1
allowban = 0
allowmap = 0
allownextmap = 1
allowsetnextmap = 1
allowgametype = 1
allowhardcore = 0
allowrestart = 1
allowedmaps = "<maps.cfg>"
allowedgametypes = "war,dom,koth,dm,sab,sd"
banduration = 0
enabled = 0
host = ""
port = 21
user = ""
password = ""
passive = 1
enabled = 1
ip = ""
port = 1337
logintimeout = 1000
defaulaction = "say"
sayprefix = "^1"
admingroups = "master,admin"
disallowedcommands = ""
maxconnections = 5
host = "localhost"
user = ""
password = ""
database = "mamstats"
prefix = "mam01_"
Alles anzeigen
Also ich habe einen COD4 Server und ich habe nun eine Idee:
Wenn ich auf dem Server bin und Lust auf ein only Sniper habe, dass ich zum Beispiel im Chat nur das tippen muss: !change gamemode Sniper.
Dann werden alle Reg Guns deaktiviert bzw die anderen werden gekickt und nur M40 und R700 gehen.
Und wenn es wieder Reg game sein soll muss ich nur das tippen: !change gamemode Reg
Geht das i-wie mit dem MAM?
Ticket ist geschrieben und habe sie auf ihren Fehler aufmerksam gemacht
LG und danke für deine Hilfe!
Aber auch mit dem langen GUID geht es nicht...-.- (habe den noch aufgeschrieben)
Alle Plugins gehen nicht, muss ichd a was aktivieren?
Die Log Datei sollte eig stimmen, da der Server per FTp ist...
Also ich habe einen Gameserver bei Nitrado.de gemietet. Bei ihnen bekomt man gleich ManuAdmin mit dem ich theoretisch sehr zufrieden wäre, würde es nur gehen...
Also hier mal meine Admin.cfg:
; This file will be overwritten by the mod automatically
; Do not make any comments inhere
; Use the generator to generate a valid file: http://manuadminmod.de/config/admin.php
group = "master"
protected = 1
names = "[NeXo] In0cenT"
Alles anzeigen
zu bemerken, dass ich meinen GUID auf einem anderen Server gesucht habe, da !me auf meinem Server nicht geht.
meine Config.cfg:
ip = ""
port = 28960
logfile = "../cod4_config/main/games_mp.log"
rconpassword = "gomel"
timezone = "Europe/Berlin"
prefix = "!"
language = "de"
antispam = 2
logrcon = 0
antistartupbug = "restart"
fixguidrelax = 1
pmprefix = "^1PM: ^2"
responsefailcmds = 0
enabled = 0
host = ""
port = 21
user = ""
password = ""
passive = 1
enabled = 0
ip = ""
port = 28965
logintimeout = 30
defaulaction = "say"
sayprefix = "^3TCP-Admin (<ADMIN>): ^7"
admingroups = "master,admin"
disallowedcommands = "vote,yes,no,stats,session"
maxconnections = 5
defaultkickreason = "Kicked by Admin"
maxtempbantime = 1440
defaultbanreason = "Banned by Admin"
usepb = 1
pbtempbanduration = 5
announce = 1
enabled = 1
whisper = 1
master = "^1ATTENTION: <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 has joined the game!"
admin = "^1<GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^1 has joined the game!"
member = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2"
user = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2"
default = "^2Welcome <GROUP_NAME> ^7<PLAYER_NAME>"
enabled = 0
time = 120
enabled = 0
maps = "mp_backlot,mp_bloc,mp_bog,mp_cargoship,mp_citystreets,mp_convoy,mp_countdown,mp_crash,mp_crash_snow,mp_crossfire,mp_farm,mp_overgrown,mp_pipeline,mp_showdown,mp_strike,mp_vacant,mp_shipment,mp_broadcast,mp_carentan,mp_creek,mp_killhouse"
gametypes = "war,dm,sab,koth,sd,dom"
notlastmaps = 3
notlastgt = 1
enabled = 0
warnstokick = 3
mode = "tempban"
kickreason = "Use of bad words"
enabled = 0
warnstokick = 2
mode = "ban"
kickreason = "Too many warns by admin"
enabled = 1
maxping = 150
checkinterval = 30
warnstokick = 2
mode = "kick"
kickreason = "Your ping is too high"
enabled = 1
badnamekick = 1
badnamekickmode = "kick"
badnamekickreason = "Your name contains an illegal part: <PART>"
adminnamekick = 1
adminnamekickmode = "kick"
adminnamekickreason = "Your name is an admins name"
checkforupdates = 1
checkinterval = 6
announceinterval = 5
serverlist = 1
serverlistip = ""
enabled = 0
firstblood = 1
killsprees = 1
deathsprees = 1
spreeends = 1
spreeendsfrom = 10
multikills = 1
firstblood = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1drew first blood!"
multikill = "^7!! ^1Multikill ^7> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 < ^1Multikill^7 !!"
monsterkill = "^7!!!! ^1MONSTERKILL ^7>>> ^2<PLAYER_NAME>^7 <<< ^1MONSTER KILL ^7!!!!"
end_kill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_teamkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He was killed by TEAMMATE ^3<KILLER_NAME>^1!"
end_selfkill = "^2<PLAYER_NAME>^1's killing spree ended (^2<KILLS> ^1kills). He killed ^3himself^1, what a pity!"
5 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on a ^3killing spree! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on a ^3rampage! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
15 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3dominating! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
20 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3unstoppable! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
25 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3godlike!! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
30 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3wicked sick!!! ^1(^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row)"
35 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is ^3real Potter!!! ^1(Woohoo, ^2<KILLS> ^1kills in a row!)"
-10 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1seems to have a bad day ... (^2<DEATHS>^1 deaths without a ^2kill^1)"
-15 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1is on the best way to get ^3victim^1 of the day... (^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths w/o ^2kill^1)"
-20 = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1really gets his ^3ass kicked!^1 Oh well, ^2<DEATHS> ^1deaths without a ^2kill^1..."
enabled = 1
weapons = "gl,frag_grenade_short,rpg,saw,rpd,m60e4"
warnstokick = 2
mode = "tempban"
kickreason = "Used a restricted weapon: <WEAPON>"
statsstring = "^2Kills: <KILLS> ^1Deaths: <DEATHS> ^3K/D: <KPD> ^2time: <ONLINETIME> min ^3K/M: <KPM> ^2HS: <HEADSHOTS> ^7TKs: <TEAMKILLS>"
whisperstats = 0
savestats = "0"
host = "localhost"
user = ""
password = ""
databse = ""
prefix = ""
enabled = 0
min = -3
start = 0
warn = 3
kick = 4
teamkill = 1
kill = 0.1
mode = "tempban"
kickreason = "Made too many teamkills"
forgive = 1
forgivetime = 30
forgivepoints = 0.5
k = "kick"
b = "ban"
rm = "quitmod"
mr = "quitmod"
setlevel = "setgroup"
admincheck = "checkadmin"
owned = "fun owned"
pwned = "fun owned"
killed = "fun killed"
bye = "fun bye"
pizza = "fun pizza"
beer = "fun beer"
coke = "fun coke"
whoiam = "fun whoiam"
groups = "setgroup listgroups dummy"
f = "forgive"
y = "yes"
n = "no"
j = "yes"
votekick = "vote kick"
votemap= "vote map"
voteban= "vote ban"
banlist= "pbbanlist"
unban = "pbunban"
enabled = 0
killed = "^7<PLAYER_NAME> ^1was last killed by ^7<PLAYER_LASTKILLER> ^1with a ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONDEATH>"
bye = "^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 waves his hand to say ^1GOOD BYE^2. We surely meet later!"
pizza = "^2Someone calls Mario and he brings ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 a hot pepperoni pizza!"
beer= "^2A nice sexy waitress brings ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 a nice pint of beer!"
coke= "^2Ah... A delicious glass of cold Coca Cola[tm] (*thinks ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2 while he's drinking*)"
whoiam = "^2My name is ^7<PLAYER_NAME>^2, I'm in the team ^7<PLAYER_TEAM>^2 with a ^7<PLAYER_LASTWEAPONKILL>^2 and have ^7<PLAYER_KILLS>^2 Kills"
enabled = 0
duration = 45
interval = 120
annouce = 15
minplayers = 3
maxvotesperplayer = 2
allowkick = 1
allowban = 1
allowmap = 1
allowgametype = 1
allownextmap = 1
allowrestart = 1
allowedmaps = "<maps.cfg>"
allowedgametypes = "war,dom,koth,dm,sab,sd"
Alles anzeigen
Weaponsrestricion geht leider auch nicht:
PLUGIN: Weaponrestrictions
Kicks players automatically when they are using a restricted weapon
enabled = 1 ;Enable plugin
weapons = "gl,frag_grenade_short,rpg,saw,rpd,m60e4" ;restricted weapons
warnstokick = 1 ;Warns until players get kicked
mode = "tempban" ;kick/ban/tempban
kickreason = "Used a restricted weapon: <WEAPON>" ;Reason of the kick
NAMESPACE: weaponrestrictions
$mod->setDefaultCV("weaponrestrictions", "enabled", 0);
$mod->setDefaultCV("weaponrestrictions", "weapons", "");
$mod->setDefaultCV("weaponrestrictions", "warnstokick", 2);
$mod->setDefaultCV("weaponrestrictions", "mode", "tempban");
$mod->setDefaultCV("weaponrestrictions", "kickreason", "Used a restricted weapon: <WEAPON>");
$mod->registerEvent("playerJoined", "weaponrestrictions_playerInit");
$mod->registerEvent("playerKill", "weaponrestrictions_main");
$mod->registerEvent("playerTeamKill", "weaponrestrictions_main");
//Init Players because playerJoined isn't called at startup
array_map("weaponrestrictions_playerInit", array_keys($players));
function weaponrestrictions_main($parameters) {
global $mod;
global $players;
global $logging;
list($killer_guid, $victim_guid, $weapon) = $parameters;
if ($weapon[1] == "MOD_MELEE") {
//Dont warn when player knived while he had a restricted weapon
$weapon = $weapon[0];
if (!$mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "enabled")) {
if ($players[$killer_guid]->isProtected()) {
$weapons = explode(",", $mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "weapons"));
$restricted = false;
foreach ($weapons as $value) {
if (strpos($weapon, $value . "_") === 0) {
$restricted = true;
if (!$restricted) return ;
$players[$killer_guid]->weaponrestrictions_warns ++;
$weaponlong = $mod->getLongWeaponName($weapon);
if ($players[$killer_guid]->weaponrestrictions_warns >= $mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "warnstokick")) {
switch ($mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "mode")) {
case "tempban":
$players[$killer_guid]->tempBan(str_replace("<WEAPON>", $weaponlong, $mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "kickreason")));
case "kick":
$players[$killer_guid]->kick(str_replace("<WEAPON>", $weaponlong, $mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "kickreason")));
case "ban":
$players[$killer_guid]->ban(str_replace("<WEAPON>", $weaponlong, $mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "kickreason")));
else {
$players[$killer_guid]->say($mod->getLngString("usedRestrictedWeapon", array("<WEAPON>", "<WARNS>", "<MAXWARNS>"), array($weaponlong, $players[$killer_guid]->weaponrestrictions_warns, $mod->getCV("weaponrestrictions", "warnstokick"))));
$logging->write(MOD_NOTICE, "Player '".$players[$killer_guid]->getName()."' has been warned for using restricted weapon: $weapon, PID: ".$players[$killer_guid]->getPID().", GUID: ".$killer_guid);
function weaponrestrictions_playerInit($guid) {
$GLOBALS['players'][$guid]->weaponrestrictions_warns = 0;
Alles anzeigen
kurz und knapp: Eigentlich läuft nur der Server ohne Plugins-.-
LG In0cenT