Does it work with Promod 204?
Beiträge von pa3ck
Thanks for your help, but I want to the the following:
!website and it says in pm our website like:
pa3ck: !website
console: PM: Our website is .....So what is the command for that?
I would like to make a new command !something and the player will get the text what I wrote in the config in pm. So it should look like
something = "tell IDONTKNOWTHIS"
To the IDONTKNOWTHIS goes that word that I dont know, like <GET:PLAYER:ID> But I am not sure... So if someone knows that thing, please tell me.
Thanks in advance!
As of now, we can not. It's just no thing when more than half of the page is not available in english. I need time to finish the translations, i do not expect the language coming back before the wiki has been fully migrated, edited and translated into english, im sorry. In the meantime, you could use Google Website Translator, it should translate everything pretty good.
Well of course no problem. Just the problem is, when I am using Google Website Translator it just log me off automatically.
As Luk said it's important to integrate a full database support.
I will try to discuss that topic at the next development meeting.Would be nice
And an other thing it is not belong to this section, but can you put the english language back to the forum? Cauz it is really hard for me, to do things in website like quote...
Hi guys!
I have some good suggestions to the upcomin version of MAM.
1st. B3 Mod (its like MAM) has a really really high advantage. Every player have a number (based on guid) and is logged. If i type !lookup pa3ck, the console will show my number like: console: pa3ck @161. And I can add him to group, ungroup, ban or whatever I want even though he is not on the server.
2nd. !unban and !loadban (will load the pbbans.dat)
3rd. Protect. Make a group (Masteradmin) who can kick the protected players too.
4th. !lagg will kick the players who have higher ping than it is allowed.
I think theese are very very important, and handy.
best would be if u do this with pb_sv_task. eg:
so it checks every 600 sec (=10 mins)
if u want to check if some cvars are in between certain numbers use:CodePB_SV_Cvar [Cvar_name] [IN/OUT/INCLUDE/EXCLUDE] [Param1] [optional_Param2] Adds an automatic cvar check to the list of cvars for the server to check for during gameplay
more: thanks for the great help! But is it checking the cfg or the console? Like if I have in the cfg bind B autoshoot 1 or I type /autoshoot1 ?
Anyways i have to put it to the server.cfg? -
Hi guys!
Is there any plugin which wont let players use cvars or should be between a certain number? Like cg_autoshoot 1 If not, does anybody know how can i put it to the PB(I think PB does such things)? Thx in advance!
I will try with the rcon one
I did like this: ki = "rcon pb_sv_kick <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PBID> 0 <ARG>"
When I type:
!ki pa3ck test, It says Player pa3ck is not on the serverwith:
!ki pa3ck, It says command has been executed, but nothing happens. Any idea? -
Ouh, Iam unsure if you can use <Arguments> twice. What is the actual syntax for pb-kicks?
rcon pb_sv_kick pbid minutes reason so any idea?
Hi guys i wanna add a custom command to kick protected players. I wrote thsi to my Custom Commands Section: ki = "pb_sv_kick <ARG:FIND_PLAYER:PBID> 0 <ARG> (Manu Restarted) I tried it and it say player not found. Any idea?
Ye that was in b3 but b3 is different. They have tonns of plugins
Hi guys Id like to know is the update out?( I was inactive for a while) If not, does anybody know when will it approx. relase?
If its reading the logfile as MAM so its doable. I am not telling lies or stupid I know its like that in B3
Just look at its website it should write there about that :))
Edit: Here is the link. The bottom of the page the 2nd thing there. It says Battlefield but it was also working in CoD MW 2
Dunno. I've just seen in B3 it work well. When I typed :/!stats the command did not come into the chat, but the commanf has been ececuted.
Hello guys. Id like to suggest some features to the next version.
1st. With a "/" before the "!" you can keep your command private so nobody will se your command. (Already exist in B3)
2nd. Kill peaople with a command like !killp or !shootp (p=player)
3rd. Remove warnings whether its by an admin or by the bad language plugin.
If there is a good, very good guy (like sylva :P) who would make theese plugins that would be cool.
What do you think guys? BTW are theese doable, possible?
Yeah, thats works thx Luk
Hi folks.
I'd like to request a file/addon. (I dont know is it already exists or not, searched on the forum, could not find anything like that.)
I am looking for a file what does not allow players to vote for kick and ban without reason. Is there any way to do that? And the reason would be in the pbbans.dat file.
Thanks in advance!
Thanx for you reply. I knew this but it is not in PM. I would like it to say in PM (Private Message)