sry for the long waiting time.
Can you try to replace the content of the plugins/randommapcycle/randommapcycle.php file with this one:
* GSManager
* This is a mighty and platform independent software for administrating game servers of various kinds.
* If you need help with installing or using this software, please visit our website at: www.gsmanager.de
* If you have licensing enquiries e.g. related to commercial use, please contact us at: sales@gsmanager.de
* @copyright Greenfield Concept UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
* @license GSManager EULA <https://www.gsmanager.de/eula.php>
* @version 1.2.1
namespace GSM\Plugins\Randommapcycle;
use GSM\Daemon\Core\Utils;
* randommapcycle Class
* The randommapcycle plugin
class RandomMapCycle extends Utils {
* Maps
* @var array $maps Maps
private $maps = array();
* lastmaps
* @var array $lastmaps the last maps
private $lastmaps = array();
* Chosen
* @var array $chosen
private $chosen = array();
* Start
* @var int $start
private $start = 0;
* last announce
* @var int $lastannounce
private $lastAnnounce = 0;
* vote in progress
* @var boolean $voteinprogress
private $voteinprogress = false;
* Skips
* @var array $skips
private $skips = array();
* Gametypes
* @var array $gametypes
private $gametypes = array();
* Voters
* @var array $voters
private $voters = array();
* Votes
* @var array $votes
private $votes = array();
private $job_id;
* Inits the plugin
* This function initiates the plugin. This means that it register commands
* default values, and events. It's important that every plugin has this function
* Otherwise the plugin exists but can't be used
public function initPlugin() {
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'enabled', true);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'type', 2);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'mapcount', 3);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'duration', 300);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'interval', 90);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'maps', array('*'));
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'gametypes', array('*'));
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'ignorepriorgametype', true);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'ignorepriormaps', 3);
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'skipquorum', '50%');
$this->config->setDefault('randommapcycle', 'skipvoting', false);
* Function to enable this plugin
public function enable() {
$this->events->register('nextMap', [$this, 'eventNextMap']);
/* Fix if the vote command isn't enabled */
if ($this->commands->getCommand('vote') === false) {
$this->commands->register('vote', false, false, $this);
$this->commands->registerSubCommand('vote', 'choice', '~choice \d+~i', [$this, 'commandVmap']);
$this->commands->registerSubCommand('vote', 'skip', false, [$this, 'commandSkip']);
list($this->lastmaps[]) = $this->mod->getLastMaps(1);
* Function to disable this plugin
public function disable() {
$this->events->unregister('nextMap', [$this, 'eventNextMap']);
$this->commands->unregisterSubCommand('vote', 'choice');
$this->commands->unregisterSubCommand('vote', 'skip');
* executes the readConfig event.
private function readConfig() {
$this->maps = array();
$allowed_maps = $this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'maps');
if (is_array($allowed_maps) && isset($allowed_maps[0]) && $allowed_maps[0] == '*') {
$this->maps = $this->mod->getMaps();
} elseif (is_array($allowed_maps)) {
$this->maps = $allowed_maps;
$allowed_gametypes = $this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'gametypes');
if (is_array($allowed_gametypes) && isset($allowed_gametypes[0]) && $allowed_gametypes[0] == '*') {
$this->gametypes = $this->mod->getGametypes();
} elseif (is_array($allowed_gametypes)) {
$this->gametypes = $allowed_gametypes;
* executes the nextMap event.
public function eventNextMap() {
$lastmaps = $this->mod->getLastMaps(2);
if ($lastmaps[1] == $lastmaps[0]) {
$this->lastmaps[] = $lastmaps[0];
$this->voteinprogress = false;
$last_map_count = count($this->lastmaps);
/** Shift to old entrys */
while ($last_map_count > $this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'ignorepriormaps')) {
$this->lastmaps = array_merge($this->lastmaps);
if ($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'type') == 2) {
$this->logging->debug("[Random MapCycle] Random map set.");
$this->jobs->addSingleJob(20, array($this, "setRandomMap"));
if ($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'type') == 1) {
$this->jobs->addSingleJob(20, array($this, "startVote"));
* announce if the vote is possible to skip.
public function setRandomMap() {
if (empty($this->chosen)) {
return false;
$this->rcon->rconSetNextMap($this->chosen[0]['map'], $this->chosen[0]['gametype'], false);
$this->skips = array();
if ($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'skipvoting')) {
* the message on the server for the skip vote.
public function announceSkipMessage() {
$this->rcon->rconSay($this->language->get('randommapcycle.voteforskip', array('<MAP>', '<GAMETYPE>'), array($this->mod->getLongMapName($this->chosen[0]['map']), $this->mod->getLongGametype($this->chosen[0]['gametype']))));
$this->job_id = $this->jobs->addSingleJob($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'interval'), array($this, 'announceSkipMessage'));
* execztes the command skip.
* @param string $guid Guid of executing player
* @param string[] $parameters The chatline splitted by " " without !command
public function commandSkip($guid, $parameters) {
if ($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'type') != 2 || !$this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'skipvoting')) {
if (in_array($guid, $this->skips)) {
} else {
$this->skips[] = $guid;
if (substr(trim($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'skipquorum')), -1) == '%') {
$needed = round(((int) $this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'skipquorum')) / 100 * count($this->players));
} else {
$needed = (int) $this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'skipquorum');
$skippers = count($this->skips);
$search = array('<SKIPPERS>', '<NEEDED>', '<MAP>', '<GAMETYPE>');
$replace = array($skippers, $needed, $this->mod->getLongMapName($this->chosen[0]['map']), $this->mod->getLongGametype($this->chosen[0]['gametype']));
$say = $this->language->get('randommapcycle.votedskip', $search, $replace);
if ($skippers >= $needed) {
* choose a map
* @param int $count
private function chooseMap($count) {
$maps = $this->maps;
$gametypes = $this->gametypes;
foreach ($maps as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $this->lastmaps)) {
if ($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'ignorepriorgametype')) {
$current = $this->mod->getCurrentGametype();
foreach ($gametypes as $key => $value) {
if ($value == $current) {
$gametypes = array_merge($gametypes);
if (count($gametypes) == 0) {
$gametypes[0] = $this->mod->getCurrentGametype();
if (count($maps) < $count) {
/* @todo logmarker */
$this->logging->warning("[Random MapCycle] Couldn't choose a random map because count(maps) < $count");
return false;
$this->chosen = array();
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
$maps = array_merge($maps);
$rand = rand(0, count($maps) - 1);
if ($this->mod->getEngine() == 'frostbite3') {
// $this->rcon->getMaps()->clear();
$map_gametypes = $this->rcon->getMaps()->getAllowedGametypesOnMap($maps[$rand]);
foreach ($gametypes as $key => $value) {
if (!in_array($value, $map_gametypes)) {
$gametypes = array_merge($gametypes);
$rand2 = rand(0, count($gametypes) - 1);
$this->chosen[] = array('map' => $maps[$rand], 'gametype' => $gametypes[$rand2]);
return true;
* Ends a Vote
public function endVote() {
$this->voteinprogress = false;
$won = key($this->votes);
$this->rcon->rconSay($this->language->get('randommapcycle.wonvote', array('<MAP>', '<GAMETYPE>'), array($this->mod->getLongMapName($this->chosen[$won]['map']), $this->mod->getLongGametype($this->chosen[$won]['gametype']))));
$this->rcon->rconSetNextMap($this->chosen[$won]['map'], $this->chosen[$won]['gametype'], false);
* Starts a Vote
public function startVote() {
$this->chooseMap($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'mapcount'));
$this->start = time();
$this->voteinprogress = true;
$this->votes = array_fill(0, $this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'mapcount'), 0);
$this->voters = array();
$this->jobs->addSingleJob($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'duration'), array($this, "endVote"));
* Announces a Vote
public function announceVote() {
$mapstr = array();
foreach ($this->chosen as $id => $map) {
$mapstr[] = $this->language->get('randommapcycle.list', array('<ID>', '<MAP>', '<GAMETYPE>'), array($id + 1, $this->mod->getLongMapName($map['map']), $this->mod->getLongGametype($map['gametype'])));
$mapstr = implode("\n", $mapstr);
$this->rcon->rconSay($this->language->get('randommapcycle.voteformap') . "\n" . $mapstr);
$this->job_id = $this->jobs->addSingleJob($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'interval'), array($this, "announceVote"));
* executes the command vmap
* Example: !vmap 1-3
* @param string $guid Guid of executing player
* @param string[] $parameters The chatline splitted by " " without !command
public function commandVmap($guid, $parameters) {
if ($this->config->get('randommapcycle', 'type') != 1) {
if (!$this->voteinprogress) {
//-1 because we start with 1 but count array with 0
$map = $parameters[0] - 1;
if (!array_key_exists($map, $this->chosen)) {
if (in_array($guid, $this->voters)) {
$this->voters[] = $guid;
$this->votes[$map] ++;
$str = $this->language->get('randommapcycle.voted', array('<MAP>', '<GAMETYPE>'), array($this->mod->getLongMapName($this->chosen[$map]['map']), $this->mod->getLongGametype($this->chosen[$map]['gametype'])));
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